4 Ways to be more energetic at work

Work Space

Let’s face it, by the time Friday rolls around work can become a little lack luster. However, with the right enthusiasm and know how we can become more energetic throughout the whole week!

Having endless amounts of coffee can only help our energy levels for so long. The best way to remain energetic at work is to follow these 4 tips to becoming more energetic at work.


When it comes to sleep, it’s important to get at least 5 solid hours of sleep every night. The optimum amount of sleep every night is around 7-8 hours, for the average working person. While sleep is important, it’s even more important how you are waking up in the morning. Setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual will help you wake up gradually. This will help you ease into your morning and gradually prepare for the day.

While that extra 15 minutes of sleep may seem important, it won’t provide you with any extra benefits. If you don’t have any street lights outside your window, it’s a good idea to go to sleep with your blinds half open. This will allow for some sunlight to enter your room in the morning and encourage your body to wake up naturally.


Whether you believe it or not, breakfast is a very important start to your day. It will help energise and give your body a morning boost. However, try to avoid a large breakfast as having a full plate of food will only make you feel sluggish. Instead opt for something smaller to kick start your metabolism. Even if you grab an apple and some nuts as you walk out the door, it will help kick start your day.


The closer you live to work the better you’ll generally feel. Research has found that commuting to work can contribute to stress levels, exhaustion and days missed from work. The best solution is to move closer to work or find work closer to you!

Unfortunately, we don’t always have control over where we work and commute can be unavoidable. Whether you drive or travel by public transport there are things you can do to cut through the tension. If you’re taking public transport, get lost in your favourite book. Another great way to forget about where you are is to meditate and practice mindfulness. What’s great is that you can do this sitting, standing or driving!

Work Environment

The environment you are working in should be a place where you’re calm and comfortable. Your desk should be an ergonomic space where you can work to the best of your ability. A cluttered desk can lead to stress and disorganisation. Take the time at the start of your day by de-cluttering your desk and planning your day.

energetic at work energetic at work

Your work setup is also an important aspect of how energetic you’ll be throughout the day. Office chairs are a big contributing factor to your energy and how comfortable you are throughout the day. You’ll spend most of you day sitting so it’s imperative that your office chair is right for you and you have good posture. Your feet should sit flat on the floor and your back should be up right. The correct office chair is an investment in your health and wellbeing.

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Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.