Author: Maria Bashi


Top 6 Flight Tracking Apps in 2019

I know that traveling in a peak season can be stressful and generally not a relaxing experience. Fear not! There is always a way to handle the challenges in the best possible way.  Issues...

starting your own business

How to Successfully Build a Foundation Repair Company

Foundation repair is a complex trade, but it’s a rewarding career that supplies many crucial services to homeowners. From sagging floors to warped ceilings and cracked and crumbling foundations, foundation repair companies offer a...

retention rates

Three Rules For The Perfect Business Meeting

Conducting a successful business meeting is an art that very few people have mastered. People often underestimate how much planning and work goes into a business meeting and so they arrive unprepared. That’s bad...


Signs of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormone levels shift throughout life during ovulation, periods, pregnancy and menopause and it is a natural phenomenon in females. Mostly the hormones get back to normal levels after these phases pass but many times...