Best Careers for Independent Women

Career Woman

An independent woman is one that doesn’t depend on anyone else to be able to financially support herself. She is unapologetic and irreverent in her pursuits. She isn’t afraid of being self-sufficient or taking risks. Most importantly, an independent woman certainly doesn’t depend on other people’s approval of her to inspire her that she is successful.

An independent woman thrives on adventure, a challenge, and has a “can-do” personality. Jobs for this type of person should include variety, adventure, opportunity, and be a platform to use her great leadership skills.

Take a look at some of these jobs and ask yourself whether it may be a good fit for you!

Cruise Ships

The cruise ship industry generates billions each year, yes billions. With upwards of thousands of passengers on a ship at any given time, there is a high demand for all sorts of competitive careers on board.

For example, Park West Gallery, an international privately own gallery, offers positions auctioneering fine arts on cruise ships. This could be a great opportunity for an independent and direct female!

Cruise Ship


A career in sales is good for someone with a competitive edge who isn’t afraid to go for what they want and be able to hear the word “no” without taking it personally.

Sales careers can pay off big with the right amount of confidence and perseverance. A truly convincing salesperson can convince their customer why they need the product and how their lives with improve by making the purchase.

Because of the level of confidence and demand for high performance, this makes a great position for someone with an independent attitude. Sales people keep going and don’t stop fighting until they celebrate a closed deal.

The nice thing about sales is it can be in virtually any industry. Some sales jobs you don’t even need to leave your house for.

Business Owner

Entrepreneurship is the ultimate independent female position because it means branching out on your own with no one to give you orders. If things go wrong, there’s no one else to blame it on. An independent business owner must accept full responsibility for both the ups and downs of her business. Famous female entrepreneur Sophia Amoruso says, ““Even with no manager watching to give me a gold star, it was important to do my best. Who cares if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it? The tree still falls.”

By setting the bar high for yourself without requiring approval or a pat on the back from someone, you have achieved the highest level of independent female status.

An entrepreneurial life doesn’t have to mean a multi-billion dollar business. It can be as simple as starting your own small online business, cultivating it, and watching it flourish.


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