Birthdays, Holidays, and More: Gifts That Matter


In a consumer-driven world, you’re told at least daily of what you “need” to buy.  Told of the so-called best gift idea for your partner or child or friend’s wedding.  Told of gifts that will send just the message you want to send. But are they gifts that matter?

Before You Shop

Rather than instantly buy into the pitch of “buy this” you’re getting in this particular moment in time, what if you paused.  Just for a moment. And ask yourself a few questions.

Who is this person I would like to receive my gift?

Surely, if you’re inclined to select and offer a gift to someone, their existence must mean something to you.   Who are they? Friend? What kind of friend? Are they more an acquaintance or are they a close friend, the kind you could call at any hour of the day or night and know they’d listen?

Is it a business relationship?  Perhaps someone you work with, or even your boss.  Do you work together closely, or is it a casual or occasional relationship?

Before you start considering gift options,  consider who they are and how you think of them, relate to them, and what roles they play in your life.

What’s the message you want to send with your gift?

Gifts can send many messages. Carelessly selected gifts can send the wrong message.  If you want to choose a gift that matters, what message do you want to send to the recipient?  Gifts can send messages of –

  • Hope.  For someone ailing, or enduring times of trial or turmoil in their life.

  • Congratulations.  Conveying a supportive message for someone’s achievements.

  • Recognition.  From birthdays to anniversary dates, letting them know you remember their important dates.

  • Friendship.  Telling that special friend they are important to you.

  • Love.  Gifts that send a message from your heart to someone dear to you.

Gifts that matter will communicate to the recipient that you not only wanted to send a gift.  You wanted to tell them in a meaningful way that they’re important to you.

Selecting the Perfect Gift

Now that you’ve identified who you want to send the gift to, and what the message is that you want to send, it’s easy to find gifts that matter.  Even if the gift is a seemingly all-to-common item, if it’s selected carefully it will send just the message you want it to send. So what are some of the most popular gifts?  Here are some ideas.

Gifts for Her

Yes, guys, selecting gifts for her can be a pleasant experience!  With the message, you want to send clearly in mind, ponder your choices.  Picture her and let your message resonate around the gift you’re considering.  How will she feel receiving it? Will she hear the message you want to send?

A carefully considered gift, no matter what it is, tell her you care. Of course, if the “her” is your mother or sister, your message is going to be different.  But the same is still true – a well-selected gift will always send the message that you care.

Besides flowers, the most popular gifts for women in 2019 include:

  • Wristwatches

  • Pyjamas

  • Candles

  • Luggage

  • Fragrances

  • Wallets

  • Robes

  • Jewellery

  • Bandana and Scarves

  • Gloves

Gifts for Him

As any woman knows, guys tend to be a bit more, shall we say, practical than women.   If your message is one of love, that may make your task a bit more difficult. But think about the moments you’ve felt his feelings rise to the surface and what might have spurred that moment.   Use that bit of insight to find the gift that will, once again, touch that special place in his heart.

Currently, the most popular gifts for men include:

  • Sneakers

  • Wristwatches

  • New technology

  • Sunglasses (preferably picked out with them)

  • Video games

  • Earbuds

  • Wallets

  • Cologne

  • Their favourite liquor

  • Ball caps

Gifts for Friends

When giving a gift to a friend, it might be surprising to know that selecting gifts that matter is more difficult than it is with a relative or significant other.  Why? Your relatives and significant other already knows how you feel (hopefully!).

When gifting to a friend, making a careful selection is critical to sending the message you intend.  So, it’s even more important to consider who they are and what your relationship with them looks like.  Just friends? Someone you want to get to know better? A potential romance brewing? The message for each of these is quite different!

Here’s the most popular gifts for friends:

  • Coffee mugs

  • Home decor items

  • Office decor items

  • Desk calendars

  • Gift cards to their favorite shopping spots

  • Treating them to lunch

  • Subscriptions to their favorite magazines

  • Fun things you picked up at garage or yard sales just for them

Gifts for The Elderly

Buying gifts for the elderly is probably the most daunting of all.  Most people, in their later years, will tell you they have enough “stuff” and don’t need anything.  That’s why they’re almost impossible to extract a “things I want for Christmas” list from. They no longer value the physical things of life.  They’d much rather have intangible gifts and reminders of the people who are important in their lives.

Some gifts to consider for the elderly are-

  • Spending time listening to their stories

  • Reviewing old photos of times long past

  • Taking them to dinner or lunch or coffee

  • Including them in activities they may long for and be missing

Gifts for Business

The marvellous modern workplace.  It’s the conglomeration of all of the above.  The friend, the occasional relative, the budding romance, the young, the elderly, all mixed into one lovely melting pot.  So whoever it maybe that’s the target of your gift, consider the above tips. And of course, know your recipient and your message.

Gifts That Matter

Gifts that matter comes with thoughtful intent.  They come with a message of “I care,” no matter the recipient.  Choose well. And don’t forget, the very best gift you will ever give will always be the gift of you.