Category: Self

The Rules That It’s Okay to Break

I never really felt like I fitted in at school. I labelled myself a ‘misfit’, and sometimes even a ‘failure’, because I didn’t comfortably fit into certain boxes or categories, and because breaking the...


5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cats

We can all agree that cats are strange and mysterious creatures that march to their own beat. Even if you’ve had several of them as pets over the years, it’s possible that you don’t...


Should We Stop Saying Sorry?

The female apology has been the subject of discussion for a while now, especially in the context of the workplace. The issue is women’s perceived tendency to apologise excessively, and how it could have...

retro chic

5 Tips to being a retro chic

People are unique and express their personal style through what they wear, how they style their hair, and the makeup that they wear. The ability to express yourself through clothing, accessories, and beauty products...