Experiencing Hair Loss? Here’s Some Causes and Effective Remedies

hair loss

Hair loss is a problem that countless people suffer from, but there is no single cause about it. In many cases, it is a hereditary factor.  In short, it is the genes that determine hair loss at a young age. But in many other cases, however, early hair loss can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, or even by the fact that you’re taking medications. In recent times, some studies have shown that hair loss can also be associated with stress and anxiety. Those who live, as unfortunately often happens in our contemporary age, particularly difficult situations from a psychological point of view, are easily subject to this phenomenon.

One of the most effective remedies is transplantation and implantation. Many people believe that these two treatments for hair loss are very similar. Actually, this is not the case. So, let’s try to highlight the differences between hair transplantation and implantation and their pros and cons.

Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgery, also known as an autotransplantation. Removal and transplantation take place on the scalp of the same subject. If you choose this remedy, you will be your own donors. The removal of course is done under local anesthesia and, after the operation, you will not notice any empty parts in the area where the hair was taken. Your doctor will always take care to remove the hair in areas of your scalp where there are many healthy follicular units. As it is easy to understand from the considerations we have just made, the transplant can be chosen as a remedy only by those who do not live a particularly serious condition and who still have a lot of hair available.

The hair transplant does not show immediate positive results. Usually, the hair in the area of intervention will revert to its natural and thick appearance only after about ten months. It is important to remember that this method reduces the areas that are presently subject to baldness and those with thinned hair, but it does not stop the hair loss permanently. It is therefore necessary to undergo the right therapies to be able to block the problem at the root. But is there a need for special post-transplant maintenance? Absolutely not. With the transplantation of your hair, you only need to pay attention to its proper cleaning.

Hair Implantation

Hair implantation, on the other hand, consists in inserting artificial hair, as similar as possible to the real hair of the subject, under the scalp. Obviously, you can choose any color, shape and length of the hair.  So you can get an effect that is as natural as possible. The insertion is obviously done under anesthesia and gradually. The great thing about the implant is that the results are immediately visible. The subject will immediately notice the difference as soon as he leaves the clinic. However, periodic implants and good care are necessary in order to achieve the desired effect, as well as proper hygiene.


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