Five Top Tips for Boosting Your Self-Esteem

The majority of us will suffer issues with self-esteem at some point in our lives. It’s easy to compare ourselves with other people that we perceive are more beautiful, adored, or successful than us. But it’s not a healthy practice. Problems with self-esteem can dent confidence, place pressure on relationships, and lead to mental health issues.  We’re here to help! In this article, we’ll explore five top tips for boosting your self-esteem, that you can start today!

Take a social media detox

Love it or loathe it, social media has become a part of everyday life for most people. Scrolling through a timeline can be a fun way to catch up with friends, or simply pass the time, but its intensity can also have a negative impact on self-esteem. People tend to present only the best versions of themselves, which can make you feel pretty lousy on the morning commute.

Why not take some time off? Your loved ones have your number if they need you. Ditch the highly-filtered unrealities and unwind in the real world!

Spend time with friends

There’s nothing better than spending time with the people you love. They have the ability to boost your mood, even when you’re in the deepest funk. If you’re feeling a bit low, arrange dinner, dancing, or simply coffee with your best friends.

The simple act of getting out and socialising can be great for your self-esteem, and it gives you the opportunity to share any worries with people who will understand and give you a fresh perspective.

List the things you like about yourself

We tend to spend a disproportionate amount of time criticising ourselves. Whether it’s a test at school, and appraisal at work, or simply standing next to someone we determine to be more successful, the constant critique can be wearing.

As silly as it sounds, there’s a considerable boost to be found in simply listing the things that you like about yourself. Whether you have a finely-tuned skill, a natural talent, or just a fantastic sense of humour, it’s very helpful to acknowledge these things. Committing your positive attributes to memory can also be useful when you’re under a lot of pressure.

Practice self-care

There’s nothing selfish about self-care. We spend a great deal of time tending to the needs of others; whether that’s caring for children, making dinner for a partner, tidying the home, or listening to other people’s problems, there doesn’t always seem to be a lot of time for looking after oneself.

Run yourself a bath. Grab the book that’s been waiting on your shelf for months. Treat yourself to a trashy magazine. Binge that TV series everyone’s talking about. Shut off the world for an hour and simply indulge yourself.

Confront your issues head-on

If you have a specific issue you think may require the assistance of a professional to resolve, don’t be afraid to reach out to them. Talking to a therapist can be extremely helpful. If you are struggling with a precise area of your body, there may be surgical procedures that correct it. A consultation with a surgeon has no obligation, and it may provide the first step on a journey toward higher self-esteem.


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