How to Maximise The Benefits of The Famous Nanna Nap

You forgot your keys, you can’t remember what that urgent email was you had to send, and now you can’t find your phone. No, you’re not having a brain lapse, you’re probably just tired. Fatigue not only makes you forgetful and less productive, it also makes you grumpy and irritable. Instead of grabbing a sugary energy drink or coffee to wake up, try giving your body what it is crying out for – sleep! A quick nap can refresh and revitalize you, so you can make the right decisions in your personal and work life. Here are some tips on getting the most out of your nap.

  1. Find a comfortable spot

It is always best to nap in a spot where your lower back and neck are supported. If you can, lay down. However, when that isn’t an option, you can get a quick nap in on a comfortable chair or couch. See what works best for you; you may prefer sleeping on your side, front, or back and that will affect what position you should nap in. Of course, a bed is preferable, however this may not always be available to you.

  1. Keep it short

Aim for no longer than a 20- to 30-minute nap, and set your alarm so you don’t oversleep. A nap longer than this can actually make you feel groggy, as you may go into REM (Rapid Eye Movement). As well as this, keeping your nap short means your siesta won’t intrude on your day, so you can still go about your daily activities.

  1. Do it in the afternoon

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The afternoon is usually the best time for a nanna nap. Just make sure you finish your nap by around 4pm or 5pm, as any later than that may make it difficult for you to get to sleep at night. However, there are no rules, so if you find that a late morning or midday nap works best for your lifestyle, that is fine too.

  1. Try soothing sounds or a meditation

It can be difficult for us to switch off during a busy work day. If you have trouble relaxing and dozing off, try listening to some soothing music or a podcast. Meditation is also a great way to calm the mind and re-focus on the task at hand. If you’re feeling rundown and unfocused, but can’t nap during the day, meditation is a great tool to increase mindfulness and productivity.

  1. What works for you


Learn to polish your nanna nap plan so it works for you. Try different times and nap spots. Was the atmosphere quiet enough? Did you feel rested after 20 minutes, or did you need to snooze for another 10? Adjust your napping if you need to. If you’re power napping like a pro during the week but still feeling tired, maybe you’re not getting the 8-9 hours of sleep you need every night.

Don’t be exhausted or grumpy any longer. Listen to what your mind and body really needs and try incorporating a nap into your daily or weekly routine. If you need more information on naps, check in with the professionals about the Art of Sleep with Koala Mattress. Happy snoozing!

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