Rein In Your Impulses For Big Savings

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Impulse buys. So many of us struggle to avoid them, whether you throw a chocolate bar into your cart or pick up a pair of shoes in the sale. You just can’t resist getting something you want but probably don’t really need. These purchases can add up and end up costing you a lot, especially if you’re trying to save some money. If you want to stop spending so much, you need to cut down on the expense of impulse purchases. This won’t necessarily mean avoiding them completely, but you can at least try to reduce the frequency of them and how much you spend each time.

Give Yourself a Budget for Fun Purchases

One of the ways to reduce impulse purchases is to give yourself a set budget for buying fun things. It can be hard to suddenly tell yourself that you have to stop buying something altogether. Doing it in a more controlled way can help you. Decide how much you’re willing to spend on non-necessities each month. You might choose to spend your budget all in one go, or perhaps as you spot things you want throughout the month. But if you want to spread it out through the month, try not to spend it all in the first week.

Find Ways to Save When You Buy

When you want to buy something and you can’t resist, you can at least reduce the cost of what you buy. There are lots of ways to save, from waiting for the item to be on sale to looking for vouchers and coupons to get a discount. Next time you spot some clothes you want, using a Saks Fifth Avenue promo code will help you reduce the damage to your bank account. Sometimes, you just need to have something right now. At least if you can’t resist the urge, you can spend less on your purchase.

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Keep a List of Things You Want

If you want to reduce the things you buy, start writing down things you want, instead of purchasing them right away. Give yourself a window of time in which you’re not allowed to buy anything, like 30 days. At the end of the the 30 days, you can take a look at your list and see what you still want. A lot of the time, you can find that after buying something, you don’t even want it that much anymore. When you look at your list, there could be plenty that you no longer want. And the things you do still want could now be on sale.

Stay Away from Temptation

Resisting temptation is tough, but one of the main ways to do it is to avoid temptation altogether. If you don’t want to eat cookies, don’t have any cookies in the house. And if you don’t want to make any impulse purchases, don’t go shopping. Stay away from the mall and try not to access any online stores. You can even use a website blocker to block any sites you would rather stay away from.

If you want to reduce the expense of your impulse buys, you need to be disciplined. A few tricks can help you have control and spend less.


Want more tips to help curb impulse buying?  Check out these videos!