Career Confusion? Try A Career Quiz!

Do you know what you want to do for your career?  Or are you working right now, but not sure that it is the right job for you? 

If so, you’re not alone.

Maybe I can help.  I’ve developed a new online career quiz that has helped a lot of people figure out their career options and better plan their futures.  It’s called the Shobia Career Finder.

Why I made it

My sophomore year in college I didn’t know what I wanted to do.  What kind of career would I enjoy and be good at?  I shared these frustrations with my friend Alex, who suggested I take an online career test that the school offered.

I did.  And I was shocked.  The results were not at all what I wanted!

Years later, I was brainstorming cool and useful things or tools I could make.  Then it came to me – why not make a career quiz that’s fun, easy to use and that would have helped me out back then.

So I came up with the Shobia Career Finder.  It is a 25 question quiz that helps people figure out what careers they might like and be good at.

Here’s a sample question:

It’s been taken by thousands of people so far and many have been startled by how accurate it is and helpful.

For instance, it was taken by a student who wants to become an investment banker – and her first career match was “Investment banker.”  And it was taken by a professional poet, whose first career match was poet/writer.

Many who’ve taken it have had similar experiences.

In building it, I spent a good amount of time researching career theory and trying to get a sense of what makes a job a good match for a person.  I soon came across the Holland Code, which is an idea developed by Dr. John Holland that says careers can be described by six interest categories.

The Holland Code is a powerful and useful theory, but it was developed in the 1950s.  So I was inspired by it, but use a new original approach to take into account things like the popularity of computers.

Figuring out your interests

The main thing that the quiz tries to do is help you better understand what type of work you are interested in and provide careers that fit those interests.

For instance, how much do you like business and financial topics?  What about interacting with other people and helping them with their problems?  And would you mind being active and on your feet?

And of course, how organized you are, your interest in being creative and like (or dislike!) of modern technology and computers are other important areas to consider.

Oddly enough

We spend surprisingly little time learning what career options are and what would be a good fit for us.

In high school we spend years learning topics that likely won’t be used too much in our lives (I have never had to do trigonometry outside of a math class!) but we typically don’t even have much time spent figuring out careers.

Anyway, I hope you find the quiz helpful and enjoy it.  If you have any questions, comments or feedback, I’d love to hear from you!



David Gurevich is the founder of Shobia Career Finder
Email him at or visit

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.