Skills Your Employer Wishes You Had

These days it feels like you have to be a one-trick pony to even get an interview, let alone secure a well-paying job. However, this might not be as true as you think.  Just as we need to learn to work smarter, not harder. We might also need to learn which skills are more important to demonstrate to a prospective employer. No matter which job’s you’re applying for, there are some skills that are going to be valuable to all employers, and these are the skills you need to develop.


As more and more companies begin to rely on technology for their day to day tasks, all employers need their employees to have some useful technical skills. Some might only require a proficiency with Microsoft Office programmes, others might prefer a candidate who can demonstrate that they are capable of using social media for marketing or PR purposes. However, a really valuable employee will also know some basic IT skills such as routine maintenance and how to cope with frozen programs or damaged USB ports. Knowing how to work with computers is one thing, but knowing how to fix them is worth hiring.


Companies go through a lot of changes in the space of a year, whether it’s with their products, their pitches, or the industry itself undergoes some changes based on new research. It’s really useful for their employers if their employees are able to learn the new information quickly and then go about their job as soon as they can. However, some people do find it difficult to retain new information in a short period of time, in which case it’s crucial that you develop strategies for declarative knowledge instruction to help you acquire new knowledge and skills quickly. Your employer will appreciate that you can take on the new information and get on with your job in a short space of time, that you may be trusted to take on more responsibilities.

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Believe it or not, your boss would prefer if no one had to work overtime, but when there are deadlines to be met then there’s not much choice. You can help them out by finding ways to increase your efficiency at work and meeting all your deadlines in a timely manner. Again, this proves to your boss that you can get all your work done. And it might lead to them giving you more responsibility.


With so many different ways to stay in touch with your boss and your colleagues both in and out of the office, it’s important that you perfect the art of communication. The ability to express yourself clearly by email, over the phone, or through various messenger apps will decide whether a job gets done effectively and quickly, or if there’s too much confusion that sets everyone behind. You will need to be able to communicate effectively with employees, managers, and customers in-person, online, in writing and/or on the phone to be considered a valuable employee.



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