Sleep Your Way To Success: How Sleep Affects Productivity

Did you know that sleep has been cited as the primary cause of low productivity in the workplace?

Similarly, that sleeping less than 5 hours over a few consecutive nights can cause equivalent levels of impairment to that of someone who is over the drink drive limit? Sleep (or a lack of) plays a larger role in our ability to ‘get things done’ than many of us think and making mistakes or general poor performance at work can often be attributed to the number of hours we spend in bed each night.

If you want to succeed at work (or even work your way towards that well earned promotion), you need a good night’s sleep, however it’s often easier said than done, especially given the stresses and strains of everyday life. In fact, many would say that we often end up in a vicious circle, with us not being able to sleep because of work yet unable to work because we can’t sleep!

Believe it or not, sleep doesn’t have to be something you only dream of and by making a few small lifestyle changes, you’ll find your productivity levels increase significantly in no time at all.

The team over at recently published an infographic which looks at not only how sleep affects productivity but also how you can ensure you get a great night’s sleep and it’s something we wanted to share in the hope that it helps at least a few of you to improve your output at work and work towards your career goals!

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.