Tagged: relationships

What’s Your Type?

Let us get vain here for a minute? Do you mind? I hope not. Cause it is happening. As much as we all want to fall in love with the personality of a guy,...

I’m a Flirting Bully

I’m not going to lie, I’ve been known to pick up my fair share of gentlemen in bars.  I’m not a slore ( a slut-whore) so there has got to be some skill on...

Are YOU Facebook Official?

Recently, my friend has started dating a guy exclusively. When a bunch of us went out for drinks and she was discussing it with us, the first question was, “So are you Facebook official?”...

Where My Boys At??

Guy friends are the best. We all know that. No need to be high-strung, little concern on impressing them, and it is totally casual. And fart jokes are normally totally cool. Now living in...

I ♥ My Dentist

I thought there was only one type of dentist- older men with soft voices, salt and pepper hair, often reminding you of your dad or your grandfather. But since I’ve moved to New York...