Three Signs You’re Financially Disempowered

Why that’s dangerous and what to do about it.

Do you know how much money is in your savings account today? Are you aware of the current interest rate on your mortgage? If not, you are probably financially disempowered and could be in danger of losing it all.

Let me tell you about financial disempowerment. I am the daughter of a billionaire; I was raised in a household of great wealth and luxury. Yet for all of my childhood and much of my adulthood, I was actively discouraged from learning about budgeting or personal finances.

I was always reliant on others to give me the funds I needed and wanted and I wasn’t taught how to understand or use the power of money. Instead, I was raised with the expectation that I would marry someone wealthy and that someone else would continue to take care of my financial needs. Money was not a source of happiness for me – I felt disempowered, devalued and in a regular state of panic.

By the age of 40, I was a newly-divorced mother of two with $2 million in debt and no understanding at all of how financial institutions work.

Your financial story is probably not as extreme as mine, but don’t let that fool you.  Every one of us can surrender our financial power in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. And, if you are going to create and maintain the prosperity that you deserve, you must have oversight of what your money is doing. You must choose to empower yourself.

Here’s How To Tell If You’re Financially Disempowered

There can be many signs that you are not financially empowered, but three common telltale signs are when you:

  1. never consulted about purchases or investments.
  2. don’t know how much money you owe, are owed, or have saved.
  3. constantly fall prey to impulse spending.

If you recognise any of the above symptoms, then you are choosing to be disengaged from the financial decisions affecting your life. In this case, I encourage you to take immediate steps to become more empowered around your personal finances. You can do this by becoming more:


It may be easy to leave financial decisions to someone else, it also may be what you are most familiar with, but if you are to choose what is best for your money you must become engaged in your financial situation. Being engaged means more than being interested. Many people can be interested in what is happening what their finances. They may ask questions or read statements,  but to be truly empowered you need to be deeply involved in the decisions that make a financial impact on you. Don’t abdicate yourself of this incredible responsibility to you.


These days, the internet provides countless opportunities for you to learn online, and financial literacy classes are available for all ages and all walks of life. There is simply no excuse for not knowing how financial systems work or what particular investment options involve. Make the effort to learn, research and be aware of how your money is working for you. Also, allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to support from others. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask questions.  Learn from others and seek support.  Because this is a vital component in making healthy, sustainable financial decisions. If you don’t know something, openly admit your situation and start educating yourself in that area.


Perhaps the most important step to financial empowerment is to be bold enough to stand your ground if you see others making decisions that are undermining your financial situation. Become your own “No” man or woman.  Be willing to say no to others and yourself.  And choose to be your own advocate for financial growth and a wealthier future.

In addition to the above, a vital component of financial empowerment is knowing how to curb those destructive impulse-buying habits. To stop impulse spending, I have a simple three-step process. Firstly, ask yourself “Can I live without this?” If you are being honest with yourself, the answer to this questions is normally “yes”. Secondly, if you can live without it, realise that the purchase is a choice. Finally, ask yourself “Is now the right time to make this purchase?” This empowers you to be in control of your impulses and your money.

This guest post was authored by Curry Glassell

Curry Glassell is a dynamic producer, author, speaker, philanthropist,  and facilitator.  She is an art-loving mother of two, with a rare personal story and a unique perspective on  financial empowerment. As a Right Riches for You facilitator, a special program by Access Consciousness®, Curry draws upon her personal experience with great wealth, huge debt and joyful wealth creation to help others re-create their financial story and realize what’s actually out there for them in the world, if they let it in. 





For more on money and wealth on Ms Career Girl, check this one out. Better yet, see the series on creating a new money plan.  Then,  feel free to leave your comments!

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.

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