Wait! But You Said You Would!

After a jam-packed business trip of 8 client meetings in 2 days, I made and witnessed a LOT of promises. 

Promises to follow-up with information.  Promises to schedule more meetings.  Promises to introduce my clients to various new resources.  Promises to send quotes.  Promises to meet at 6:00pm for dinner that evening.  So many freakin’ promises!

In sales, we 1. Get a meeting  2. Establish trust  3. Complete a transaction.  Number 2, trust, is the most important.  If we fail to keep promises, especially with a new client or partner, it is very difficult to gain that trust.

It means taking notes, making reminders, and letting our clients know, “I am working on this and have NOT forgotten about you!”.  Who wants to do business with someone who doesn’t keep their promises?  Small or big!

My challenge for you this week:  Think about the verbal or written committment you make to your clients, peers, or partners.  How are you going to ensure they get what you’ve promised?

TELL ME:  Have you recently witnessed a business partner or peer making promises they have not kept?  How did it affect your level of trust for that person?  Did it make you want to continue or stop doing business together?


Nadene is an adopted Chicagoan who graduated from Indiana University, Kelley School of Business. She is a sales woman who specializes in technology solutions for business. Nadene is also a mentor, speaker and sales coach. You can find some of her amazing tips and tricks on her blog - Fresh On the Job and every Wednesday on Ms. Career Girl!

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