Your Ultimate Guide to Taking a Solo Holiday

Taking a trip on your own might sound daunting, but it can actually be a wonderful experience which can help set you up for life on your return. It’s an amazing feeling to have complete control over your trip itinerary without having to take anyone else’s desires into consideration. Only having to accommodate yourself means that you can eat, sleep and explore when you want to; additionally, you don’t feel stingy whenever someone wants to pay for activities you don’t want to do, nor do you have to feel guilty if you want to indulge and take time for yourself. Visiting a new location alone is a time when you can simply wander through space and take in the scene around you with no distractions – it is unassuming, calming and revitalizing. Here’s a guide to help you take the leap and plan your very first solo holiday.


Choose an Exciting Destination


Keep yourself busy by going to a place with lots going on, be it cultural sights, restaurants and bars, watersports… you name it! The benefit of travelling alone is that you can really tailor your trip to you – usually when travelling with others you have to compromise according to what each person wants to see or do, but when you’re exploring alone you can do what you like! You’ll also have a better chance of seeing everything you’d like to, as moving about is easier alone rather than in a group.


Treat Yourself


Let this mantra guide your trip – as a solo traveler, this trip is all about you! You’ve already treated yourself big time by going on this amazing journey, now keep the good times rolling by treating yourself to how ever many goodies within your spending you want. This trip is all about genuine revitalization and rejuvenation, so go with what you feel like and make the most of it. Make this trip the one you’ll remember as the vacation during which you had everything your way. With that in mind, splash out a little and book yourself a five star hotel, and make every element of your trip as ‘you’ as it can be.


Write Home


We often set out on trips with the intention of sending postcards or letters home, and then never quite get around to it. Writing letters and postcards is a lovely and special way to share your journey with the people you love, and to feel connected with your friends and family if you feel lonely.


Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.