5 Ways to Reduce Your Stress

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Stress. Women in the workplace know all about this. They are constantly working twice as hard as their male counterparts to get promotions, bonuses, etc. That constant grind can make them feel frazzled. Everyone, regardless of gender, feels stressed out from time to time. Some more than others. But, did you know it could lead to behavioral addictions and even death?

Stress and Behavioral Addictions

Someone who is chronically stressed may pick up an unhealthy coping mechanism, like overeating, to alleviate their mental anguish. When that happens, inpatient and outpatient therapy can help get them back on track. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, even superstar, career-driven women need help sometimes.

Unfortunately, not getting help can lead to much bigger problems.

Stress Kills

Let’s face it, women are busy. Even those who do not have children and families to care for are always on the go. Networking, deadlines, socializing and everything else leads to stress and exhaustion. It’s normal. However, it can also be detrimental to your health if you just keep letting it slide.

Mayo Clinic doctors say that chronic stress puts you at an increased risk for:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Weight gain
  • Sleeplessness
  • Digestive issues

And that is only a handful of the problems associated with your body being on high alert all the time. That’s why it is so important that you learn how to manage stress. As mentioned, if you’re already suffering from some of these disorders you should seek medical help.

If you’re not there yet, early intervention and stress management can help immensely. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. Get Active

You’ve probably heard this a million times but exercise really does help control stress. It’s science!

When you exercise, your brain releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. Those chemicals play a big role in how your body regulates your mood. The rise in serotonin makes your brain happy.

So, don’t skip your morning workouts. Run the stress off and start your day feeling good about yourself.

  1. Do Something Calming

Adult coloring has become a big thing over the last few years. It seems silly to break out a box of crayons and coloring books when you’re a professional, but it actually does help. Like reading or lying in the sun, coloring gives your brain time to wind down and relax.

  1. Stop and Count to 10

Sometimes you’re not able to run away from a situation or grab a book, you just have to deal. Maybe you’re at a work meeting and your colleague just said something offensive or degrading.

Everyone has been there.

When something like that happens, just sit back, breathe and count to 10 (or 30). Stopping for a few seconds to gather your sanity is perfectly fine. Besides, it’s better if you don’t rip your co-worker’s head off over donuts and coffee at the conference table. It could be messy.

  1. Sleep is Your Friend

Too much stress can cause sleep disorders. Not enough sleep can cause stress. It’s a cycle. To make sure you are getting enough sleep, turn off your devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime. You can also speak to your doctor about prescribing a sleep aid if you are having a lot of trouble getting your 8 hours.

It’s very important that you are sleeping well because it gives your brain time to reset.

  1. Avoid Situations You Know Will Trigger You

You won’t be able to avoid all of the stressors in your life, but you should eliminate as many as you can. For example, if a particular route to work makes you rage, go a different way. If someone in your life is toxic, say goodbye to them. Getting rid of the extra stress will help you feel a lot better.

You’ve Got This

You can do this. You’ve worked hard to build a career that you are proud of and now it’s time for you to enjoy it. You’ve only got one life, make it a happy one.