7 Tips to Choosing the Perfect Vacuum Cleaner

Trying to stay ahead of the dust, grit, and lint in your home can either be natural or daunting. It might even get more frustrating when you have a lackluster machine that does not do the trick quickly and efficiently.
Moreover, with the numerous models in the market and new technologies released every month, choosing a proper vacuum cleaner can be difficult. So, one might ask, how can one ensure that they select the best vacuum cleaner for their home?
Lucky for you, these 7 tips put together by ByPurify will enable you to determine the type of features and styles that are perfect for you, and the roundup includes vacuum system models on the market at every price point.
Make a Smart Vacuum System Decision by Following These Simple Tips on How to Choose the Best Vacuum Cleaner
Whether you realize it or not, possessing a vacuum cleaner is essential for your home. You have to give it some thought and research before you go ahead to purchase it. Here are a few tips to help you chose the best vacuum cleaner for your home.
#01. What Vacuum Model Style Do You Prefer?
Different personalities prefer various styles of vacuum cleaners. Some people prefer pushing things around rather than dragging them in which case an upright vacuum might be best.
Those that love canister do not love the weight of an upright and prefer to handle the pipe and hose. They do not mind dragging the item.
There a variety of vacuum cleaner models so if you get down to choosing the perfect one for you, ensure that you are 100% sure of the style that suits you best.
#02. Are You Concerned about the Vacuum’s Weight Issues?
Let us assume that you have some back or shoulder issues. It is obvious in such a case that you require a lightweight vacuum cleaner so that it can be effortless moving from side of the room to another.
It is however essential to remember that the weight of a vacuum system is directly related to its suction power.
The light weight vacuum cleaners are easy to use but they do not possess massive motors.
Cumbersome vacuum cleaners have large motors and powerful suction thus making the work easy, since you can do it on one touch.
So, when the time comes, make sure you know your preference since unfortunately, you can only have one.
#03. What is the Best Way to Clean Hardwood Floors You Ask?
Hardwood floors are a bit tricky, so it is recommended that you consider the services of a canister vacuum.
A canister vacuum cleaner has a soft floor brush that serves as the absolute best way to clean a hardwood floor.
You will not even require a dry mop after using this brush. The brush’s bristles work incredibly well at picking up dirt and hair and they will help you leave your floor looking perfect.
#04. Are You Suffering from Allergies?
We all love the convenience of a bagless vacuum cleaner. However, according to health bogs and associations, they are terrible especially when you are suffering from dust allergies.
They, on a regular basis, via the dumping dirt container, expose you to concentrated amounts of allergens and dust mites.
They also have filters that one needs to be replacing every 6 to 12 months to keep them working efficiently, thus making them costly.
#05. Is Pet Hair Your Number One Headache?
Pet hair can be a major issue t home especially when you trying to get rid of it from the carpets. So, it goes without saying that you need to have an aggressive beater bar in your power head.
Ensure that you look for very stiff bristles on the beater bar together with a powerful motor to suck up the hair and dander from your bespoke carpets.
Here’s an interesting article on whether or not pets are good or bad for allergies.
#06. Are You Finding It Difficult to Work on Your Stairs?
A perfect vacuum cleaner for the stairs should possess a hose attachment that can enable you to reach at least three quarters of the way up your staircase. No one wants to struggle with a cumbersome vacuum while cleaning the stairs.
#07. Lastly, HEPA Filtration
If you suffer from allergies, you need a sturdy vacuum cleaner; one with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air). The perfect HEPA vacuum possesses a sealed system meaning that there can be no leaks in the entire system.
Also, make sure to carefully look at the labels ‘HEPA-type or HEPA-like’. These vague ratings do not particularly mean that the vacuum is rated HEPA.
A real HEPA filter traps allergens down to .03 microns. The technical specifications on the vacuum system will show you the filter’s efficiency.
Your vacuum cleaner is an investment, so make sure you make the right decision. It might be a bit expensive but in the long run, your home will be cleaner and your health will be better protected.