9 Daily Athlete Habits You Simply Must Try

No one can fail to be impressed by the dedication, drive and self-discipline embodied by Olympic athletes. Their dogged determination to win is admirable. Athletes make it look easy, but a serious amount of effort goes into being a successful athlete rather than a mediocre one. These are highly disciplined individuals following a carefully constructed routine.

Well if discipline, drive and determination can work for athletes, it can work for anyone. We’ve taken a look at the regimes and traits of athletes and put together 9 habits you simply must try if you are serious about improving your productivity.


No, not at your desk! Though there is an argument to be had about power naps! In all seriousness lack of sleep can affect performance. It’s something athletes know all too well and they work hard to establish a good sleep routine. In fact, good sleep is a priority for all serious athletes. It allows the body to repair from a full day’s training.

Quality of sleep is equally as important as quantity. Creating a restful space for sleep to occur naturally is important. Black out blinds, a cool temperature, calming décor and an uncluttered bedroom will help to encourage restful sleep. Having a decent mattress, as well as keeping phones and electrical devices out of the bedroom will also aid good sleep.

Unplugging from work is equally important. Downtime, rest and relaxation will help keep your brain sharp. Skipping rest reduces productivity.


Eating healthily to keep you in good shape is obvious. But have you ever stopped to think about whether you are getting all the nutrients you need? A trip to see a qualified nutritional therapist will help to give your diet an overhaul and make sure you are eating the right types of food. A nutritionist will also be able to recommend supplements tailored to your needs.

All good nutritionists will tell you to never skip breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day. Athletes make breakfast a priority. A healthy breakfast sets you on the right foot at the start of the day and encourages you to make healthy choices for the rest of the day. Your energy levels will be fired up making you more productive when you start your day too.

Visualise goals

Athletes don’t just spend time on physical training. Mental training is part of the routine too. Athletes who picture themselves crossing the finishing line first are more likely to do it. Set realistic targets you can achieve and visualise yourself doing them. Cementing the idea in your mind will definitely help you reach your goals.

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Keep track

Many athletes keep a training book to look for patterns in their workouts in accordance with successes. Keep track of your accomplishments and career goals. Keeping on top of your workload and being well organised at work will also have a positive impact on your productivity. Organisational tools, such as the scheduling software by Planday, are an efficient way of managing the day-to-day.


There’s no question, athletes possess grit. They know how to knuckle down and do the work. They believe passionately in themselves and the end goal they are trying to achieve. Having the same level of self-belief will empower you to meet your targets and take charge of your own destiny. Ditch the imposter syndrome and think positively about where you want to be.

Lighten up

Athletes have to work hard to stay on top of their mental game and performance. It’s no surprise to learn that fear and worry are classic de-motivators. Worry stops us achieving. Adjust your mindset and think of something that doesn’t cause you to feel stressed.

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In it for the longhaul

Build consistency with small changes. As anyone who’s tried a strict diet will know – make too many changes at once and they just aren’t sustainable. Build changes in slowly. Just as an athlete builds up their training programme before a big event, make changes to your work routine for the better with the same principle in mind.

Rub shoulders with the best

Athletes see competition as a good thing. They want to race against the best. It’s what spurs them on. There’s just no point training with and racing against athletes who aren’t as good. It won’t help get the last drop out of the tank. In business the rules are the same. Networking with people at the top of their game has a surprising effect on success.

Take failure on the chin

Don’t give up when things don’t go to plan. It’s merely a hurdle. Just like athletes, the most successful businesses have endured failures, sometimes many. Being able to learn from mistakes rather than running scared from them is what sorts the winners from the losers in the long run.

What are you waiting for? The world is your oyster!


The author Mike James is an experienced writer, with a focus and history in business management – most recently in cyber defence, where he has been published on some of the top online publications such as StaySafeOnline and CyberDefenceMag.