Acupressure Points for Nausea

Nausea is a very common condition and tracing the root cause of nausea can be confusing and difficult. Simple as well as complex conditions make you feel nauseated. Simple causes of nausea include morning sickness or motion sickness. Heart attack, chemotherapy, and cancer are complex health conditions that lead to nausea.

Easy and Effective At-Home Natural Remedies for Nausea

Most natural remedies for nausea soothe the stomach and calm down the irritable and unpleasant feeling associated with nausea. Some natural cures for nausea relief include:

Consuming Carbohydrate-Rich Foods and Sugars

Sugar-based drinks can sometimes produce a calm feeling in the stomach. Although this feeling could be short-lived, sweet drinks are one of the simplest remedies for nausea. Further, carbohydrates work much better than fats in a state of nausea. Carbohydrate-rich crackers or toasts are one of the most easily available home remedies for nausea.

Acupressure Points For Nausea

Staying Calm and Focusing on Breathing Slowly and Deeply

Calmness is one of the most effective nausea relief practices. When you are able to stay calm and practice deep breathing at the same time, you start focusing on breathing instead of the unpleasant feeling in your stomach, and you can get rid of nausea instantly. Placing a cool washcloth on your head and abstaining from shifting your head too much will enable you to take control of your nausea and instantly experience nausea relief.

Acupressure Points For Nausea

Allowing Yourself to Throw Up when Your Body Urges You to Do So

Sometimes vomiting is the body’s natural way of expelling a toxin that might be harmful to the stomach and the rest of the system. Vomiting also expels certain acids from the stomach which are undesirable. Preventing a vomit might lead to further complications from the acids which are trying to find a way out of the food pipe and might also lead to serious damage. Letting out your vomit is one of the best remedies for nausea relief when your body signals you to do so.

Applying Cool Compresses and Ice Packs

Cool compresses when applied on the back of your neck can help soothe the neck muscles and get rid of the feeling of nausea. Cool compresses are especially useful in alleviating nausea when high levels of anxiety cause tension in the neck muscles, leading to a severe feeling of nausea.

Acupressure Points For Nausea

Hydrating Yourself and Supplying Essential Nutrients to the Body

When dehydration is the underlying cause of nausea, hydration is the most obvious natural remedies for it. Taking the right quantities of fluids and nutrients can help you get over the feeling of nausea instantly.

Effective Home Remedies for Nausea from Alternative Medicine


In acupressure technique, pressure is applied on certain points on the body to relieve a painful or uncomfortable condition. The option of Acupressure points are well understood and documented. The action of the pressure on the recommended pressure points leads to the production of certain neurotransmitters, including endorphins or serotonins.


These chemicals block the production of certain undesirable chemical substances responsible for the imbalance within the system. If such an imbalance is the underlying cause of your nausea, acupressure gives immediate relief.

Two of the most commonly used acupressure points which act as helpful home remedies for nausea lie around the base of the palm near the wrist area. Applying pressure between the two large tendons at the base of the palm is effective in releasing the feeling of nausea. Also, pressing both sides of the wrist with your thumb and index finger has a healing effect for nausea symptoms. Acupressure when combined with deep breathing also produces very effective results.

Stretching Exercises and Yoga

Incorrect posture or other causes leading to neck pain and painful conditions of the upper back can also lead to nausea. Stretching exercises can help relieve the feeling of nausea when back and neck problems are the underlying cause. Exercises for the back and neck release tension from sore muscles.

Acupressure Points For Nausea

Stretching the back all the way to mid-section by lifting the neck and back till the mid-section and facing the ceiling with your chin can help you stretch your back muscles effectively. To stretch the neck muscles, a tilting action to the left side first, and then to the right is very effective.

By hanging your head low with chin touching your chest, you can do a head tilt to effectively relieve the sore muscles of the neck. Care should be taken to abstain from rolling the neck in circular motion. Rolling the neck all the way to the back is detrimental