Category: News

Be Kind to Yourself

Most of us were raised believing that being kind to others is important. Are you kind to yourself too? Being kind to yourself doesn’t mean spending lots of money on new shoes or fancy...

Let Your Mind Dance and Your Body Think

I love all these inspirational or quaint sayings: When you dance to your own rhythm life taps its toes to your beat Dance is a way to find yourself and lose yourself in the...

Landing the Career You Want and Deserve

 When it comes to switching career fields, everything involved is exciting – until you start looking at job postings, and are repeatedly met with pesky iterations of “experience in a similar position preferred” under...

3 Ted Talks You Have to Watch

Fabian Dattner: Do we care to change what we cannot really see. Fabian Dattner is a successful businesswoman who champions female leadership, and promotes the idea that we must change what we value in...

writing life hacks

5 Healthy Ways to Move on From the Past

We’ve all been through rough patches in life. Whether it’s being laid off from a dream job, getting your heart broken, or just feeling frustrated about life, these tough situations can be extremely difficult...