Category: Work

The Great Roommate Debate

By, Nicole Crimaldi To live alone or not to live alone: that is the question. For those of you who are like me and spent all four years of college living with roommates (and...

The ‘Identity Transparency’ Conundrum

By, Ashley Crimaldi As I was applying for summer internships this past spring, I had a lot of difficulty determining what to include on my resume. My first thought? Everything! But on second thought,...

22 Ways to be an Annoying Co-Worker

We all have that one really annoying co-worker that drives us nuts. I’ve been hearing a lot of funny stories from my friends about this topic lately and wanted to share some notable grievances....

Make Someone’s Day

On my morning run yesterday, I passed Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society. I happened to be wearing my pink baseball hat with a black lab on it (which marked me as either a totally cheesy and...