Looking for Business Opportunities as an Expat? Here’s Why You Should Consider Malta

Malta is a country where comfortable conditions are created not only for recreation. Here you can also develop your business, do business. It is clear that the main direction that is developing in the country is tourism and everything associated with it. However, since many companies now operate online, a move to Malta seems a sensible decision.

According to the expert of Immigrant Invest Evgeniya Morozova, the choice of this state as a permanent residence pretty quickly justifies itself, what is easy to see for yourself. Now obtaining permanent residency in Malta is not difficult. The easiest way to do this is to buy real estate here. This is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, you can live permanently on the island. Secondly, in the future, the property is easy to sell. Third, permanent residency gives the right to work in the country. Therefore, draw up all documents and open a company in Malta. The government is always ready to meet private initiatives and create a suitable environment for business.

What are the benefits of opening a business in Malta?

In 2022 more and more companies prefer to open their offices in Malta. And it is very easy to start a business here. Among the advantages are:

  1. The low cost of setting up your business. Every expat will not spend much on setting up their own business. Starting a business in this country will be noticeably cheaper than in many other countries.
  2. Minimal tax rates. It is profitable to develop a business in Malta  because the state does not have to give away most of its profits. In addition, special tax rates are available for entrepreneurs. 
  3. Low cost of labor. Wages in this country are lower than in many other countries.

All this makes the opening of a business in Malta a rational decision.

What are the business opportunities in Malta?

The country created a comfortable environment for the development of his business in a variety of areas. That is why no matter what you are going to do, moving to this country seems to be 100% a good decision. Among the most popular are:

  • providing financial services;
  • working in the IT field;
  • electronics;
  • maritime industry;
  • medicine and pharmacy;
  • cinematography.

This is only a small part of the spheres that are actively developing in this country. Since Malta is a member of the EU, the state is ready to stimulate the development of business, which can improve the standard of living of local citizens. 

The country is conveniently located, the island has a pleasant climate, there is a politically stable environment – all this promotes the development of companies in various fields, from tourism to agriculture. The benefits and financial incentives for businesses will be an additional advantage. Thanks to this, companies that are just starting out are not put under unnecessary pressure. This is what makes business opportunities in Malta very good for anyone who wants to go into business.

Why should I choose Malta as my destination?

The island itself is quite small. But its impact on the financial system of the European Union is very significant. To begin with, the island is actually the gateway to the EU. Goods from all over the globe flow here. First of all, from Africa and the Middle East. 

The country has been experiencing a steady growth in GDP for a year now. This means that the purchasing power of the population is growing. Therefore, it is profitable to open a business here. 

In Malta, the business types of your enterprise are not so important. Every investor who runs a business legally will definitely receive support from the state. First of all it is expressed in the reduced taxation. This is what helps such a humble country like Malta to attract new investors.

The local market is growing and developing. In addition, it is profitable to move here due to the fact that private initiative is actively encouraged. Thanks to this, virtually every business idea can be supported and developed. 

There’s even a special agency created in the country. It’s called Malta Enterprise. It was created in order to attract international investment to the island. Thanks to this in just a few years, the state has managed to create a positive image. Many companies are eager to open branches in Malta, as they understand that their rights will be respected there and their business is not threatened. And the requirements for new investors are minimal. That’s why it’s a top place to relocate, as it’s easy to see from your own experience.

Other features of moving to the island 

In Malta business registry is very fast. You do not have to deal with unnecessary paperwork. Thanks to this you can quickly arrange everything and get on with promoting your brand. And if there are any questions, you are ready to help.

There are a lot of options for investment. Therefore, in almost every field, you can fulfill yourself. The country has enough workers, which allows you to organize here, even a fairly large enterprise. 

Thus, not only tourism thrives on the island. Representatives of other businesses can also feel quite comfortable. Support from the state, as well as the rapid clearance of all necessary documents are guaranteed here, which is easy to make sure of today.