You & Your Roommates Won’t Survive College Without Making These Promises

There are a huge amount of benefits when you have roommates. You always have someone to talk to; someone to moan with and someone to spend time with. There may be the occasional teething problem, but you do eventually adapt and find a way to live in harmony. You even – in time – become accustomed to the noise and bustle of other people.
Without wanting to take away any of the good, one of the major issues in sharing your living space is the sense of privacy. As you and your roommates become closer, it can become too commonplace for what feel like invasions to happen. Doors are opened without knocking, people eat the food of others from the fridge, and sometimes you feel it’s so loud you can’t think.It’s one of the best known roommate problems there is.
With a few simple steps, you can transform your shared house into something worth enjoying. roommates are excellent company, but you need to be able to retreat to your private space when needed. Gather everyone together and go through the following – a set of house rules, if you will. It might seem like you’re laying down the law, but better that than endless arguments.
We Will: Understand That Someone Might Just Occasionally Need Some Space
People have a tendency to overreact when told their friend “needs space”. They immediately jump to the conclusion that is a personal slight, when usually, it’s nothing of the sort. Promise to respect it if someone wants to spend a night in their room and let them have the quiet they need.
We Will: Take Whatever Measures Necessary To Make Us All Feel Comfortable
Contributing to household costs that aren’t deemed essential can be a touchy subject, but it’s worth doing if everyone is happy. This can be big things or just decor-related changes. If there are windows that don’t provide enough shield from the outside, then invest in window film frost. If someone else wants a stronger lock on the front door, then choose something that suits. Even if this means paying for something you don’t see as entirely needed, do it. By accepting the responsibility for everyone’s comfort, the group benefits as a whole. Treat individual issue as a group problem, and you will all get the support – and changes – required.
We Will: Work Out A Chores Rotation
The easiest way to avoid arguments is to work out a chores rotation. This doesn’t need to be set in stone; figure it out weekly and revolve the less pleasant tasks. Make sure by every Monday everyone knows what they are meant to be doing.
We Will: Make Sure We Stick To The Chores Rotation
This shouldn’t need to be said, but many a roommate argument has been the cause of a neglected rota. If you go to the hassle of figuring it out and making it, make sure that you’re all going to stick with it! One easy way of doing this is for there to be penalties – such as paying for a meal – if someone slouches off their side.
We Will: “Please Be Quiet” Will Result In Us Being Quiet
It’s only fair – so learn to respect it when one of you needs a bit of peace in the house. You’ll be grateful when you’re the one who needs to enjoy the sound of silence for awhile!
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Main. Alone. Calendar. Agree. Quiet.