Taxi Drivers Career to Vanish by 2027, According to Survey

The curiosity to determine the future of certain professions led an online local services marketplace, to conduct a survey of 1,228 Britishers and analyse what is public’s opinion regarding the careers that are at risk of becoming defunct within a decade. The job that topped the extinction list was ‘taxi driving’.
36% of those who took part in the analysis thought that taxi drivers will vanish by 2027 along with educators and cashiers taking the top three slots. Other jobs that are mostly likely to be extinct are tube drivers, journalists, pilots, accountants, travel agents, postmen and translators. Advancement in technology will be main cause for the extinction of these jobs. Below is the list of top 5 careers that are most likely to extinct in a decade’s time.
Vanishing Careers?
- Taxi Drivers – 36%
- Educators – 18%
- Cashiers – 11.1%
- Tube Drivers – 10.4%
- Journalists – 9.2%
The participants when asked why they believe these jobs will vanish, 72% thought innovation in technology would be the main cause, while 26% said that online services will take over these careers.
The World Economic Forum believes that man power will be replaced by intelligent machines wiping out nearly five million jobs by 2020
Nearly three-quarters (73%) people were certain that taxi driving job will be extinct because of the autonomous taxis which are already being tested in different parts of the world.
51% respondents trust that online education platforms will soon replace educators. Online learning is convenient and mostly affordable too.
The recent introduction of Amazon’s cashless store has lead 65% people to anticipate that the cashier’s job will become obsolete. They see self-service checkouts as the future of every shop, bank and business.
37% respondents seek the growth of citizen journalism via social media platforms, whereas 46% feel that the decline in print journalism would remove the journalists from the career’s lists.
Career Choice And The Future
Sohrab Jahanbani (CEO, commented on the results saying that the intriguing response shows public’s concerns for the future. It also highlights the importance of selecting the right career. Technology is progressing rapidly and to keep up with this revolution, many job changes will be observed in near future. However, some local service jobs are here to stay including plumbers, mechanics, electricians, food caterers and wedding photographers. Bidvine is here to assist customers connect with the best experts.
Image via pixabay.