Want To Really Challenge Yourself In 2018? Here Are Some Ideas!

challenge yourself kilimanjaro

With a new year just around the corner, this is a time when many of us ambitious types start thinking about what goals we want to set ourselves for the next year. Whether you go for something physical or mental, having a big goal to work towards can be highly motivational, and the sense of achievement when you reach your target will make you look back on 2018 as a year when you did something really incredible and positive!

If you want this for yourself in the coming year, here are some ideas of big challenges you could set yourself:


Do Something Physically Tough!


Whether you are already quite fit or are currently a couch potato, a year is a long time to achieve something impressive and rewarding in terms of sport and endurance.

You could start January off with a couch to 5k running program, and within months you should be able to enter a race. Keep it up, and you could have done a marathon by the end of 2018 – a big achievement in anyone’s book!

If you are already into fitness, upping your goals to do something truly remarkable like climbing Kilimanjaro could be a challenge to set yourself, and you can also attach other goals like raising a certain amount for a charity you care about.


Learn A New Skill


Not all challenges have to be about your physical limits, so why not consider doing something more cerebral, like getting to a certain standard in a foreign language, learning how to program and developing your own app, or attaining a qualification in a new subject that really interests you, like history or science?  OK, so if you decide to get a degree in physics or become fluent in Arabic in your spare time, it is going to take more than 2018 to achieve your goal, but starting out can be your 2018 resolution!

Of course, you can also pick something less intense, for instance, learning to make a special recipe to a high standard or learning how to paint or draw something you would be happy to display. There are loads of options that will have you leaving 2018 with a new skill you are proud of!


Travel Goals


Another area you can consider for your 2018 challenge is to visit places on your bucket list. Most of us have some dream destinations we really want to see, and while a vacation may not sound like much of a challenge, often, making it happen can be. Challenge yourself to save up for and book your dream trip, and set goals for what you will see and do while you are there.

As you can see, there are lots of different ways you can set a new challenge for next year, and if you are feeling really ambitious, you can even combine them – for instance, why not learn Spanish so you can converse when you visit Barcelona to enter a marathon!