How to Get More Subscribers to Your Vlog

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In previous times the success of your business was measured solely by the profit and loss metric. Currently, the goalpost has slightly shifted. How? Today’s generation determines your brand’s success by how visible you are on the social media scene. Their determination of how “cool” you are will help them decide whether to purchase your products.

Nevertheless, don’t be fooled sales still rule but they could dwindle if you don’t have visibility on the social media scene. One of the best ways to showcase your products is through video content simply known as a Vlog. With video content, you’re able to showcase how your product is used. Video content giant YouTube is the perfect place to showcase your content like mum mum tv nursery rhymes have done. The more subscribers to your channel the more visibility you acquire. Here’s how to acquire more subscribers;


As the old saying goes content is key. The more high-quality content you churn out the more subscribers you’re likely to garner. In addition to that, try to create videos that are likely to go viral. Such videos are mostly funny while still delivering the core message. For instance, this channel for kids keeps outdoing themselves by delivering catchy well-crafted songs that a child cannot help but listen to.

It’s estimated 60% of internet users watch a video before reading any content.  This goes to show the power of videos as a tool for users.


As illustrated above content is key. However, great content paired with an ability to share will move mountains for your business. The first reaction most people have now once they see an interesting video is to share it with their friends and family.

Having buttons after your video that allows for sharing will allow viewers to attract new subscribers to your channel. Statistics show having share buttons strategically placed on your website will boost sharing close to 22%.  With a share button, you don’t have to spend money on marketing your products to prospective users.

Offer prizes

You should try to run contests or raffles on your site so as to boost subscribers. In this scenario, you’ll simply ask viewers to give their views on a particular subject. As a bonus, whoever’s comment becomes top-ranked gets a prize.

Viewers will outdo each other trying to get the top prize while drawing attention to your channel. As a result of the publicity, there will be more subscribers to your channel. A word of caution should be however given that ensure you give out the prize or you face the prospect of losing all users garnered currently and previously.

Guest posts

Try and incorporate posts from guests so as to pull in more viewers and subscribers to your channel. In addition to that, have the guest hype up his appearance to his viewers and subscribers. That way, you get to capture his audience while drawing in a new world.


These are some of the great ways to pull new users and subscribers to your channel. Smart and careful adherence to them will have you reeling in new subscribers by the boatload.