6 Tips for Creating a Positive Aura As an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is typically viewed through the lens of cold hard business concerns, with an emphasis on things like maximising the utilisation of resources, increasing profits, and finding ways to break into new markets as a credible competitor.

At the same time, though, many people who end up creating their own businesses want to be at the forefront of an ongoing boom in interest in positive professional culture that is getting traction across many parts of the world.

If you’re an entrepreneur and want to create a profitable business, but also want to create a positive aura that influences others in a beneficial manner and that helps to leave a good mark behind, here are a few tips and suggestions that might prove helpful.

Take steps to make your employees feel heard and included

Being an employer is a big responsibility in a wide range of different ways, not least of all because of the fact that other individuals are depending on you directly for their livelihood.

Many entrepreneurs – at least in the early days of their entrepreneurial journeys – won’t have a settled office space complete with a team of full-time employees. It’s not uncommon, however, for even relatively new entrepreneurs to work with a variety of other people on a regular basis, whether in a part time or freelance capacity.

Any time you have someone working for you, or are trying to get some project accomplished in a collaborative manner, one of the best ways of maximising productivity and well-being simultaneously is to ensure that good channels of communication are in place.

Various employee engagement strategies can help to ensure that your team not only communicates well with you and with each other, but that they also feel as though they are meaningfully contributing members of the business, rather than just cogs in a machine.

Ultimately, one of the most fundamental ways of creating a more positive aura around what you do, is to help your employees to have the best possible experience that they can when at work.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the example set by the leader of the company – and by management in general – will naturally tend to trickle down and shape company culture by and large.

If you get into the habit of accepting full accountability for what goes on within your company, for example, you may have a significant positive effect in the sense of enhancing accountability among those who work for you, and therefore positively shaping company culture itself.

Do something that you genuinely believe in with your business – not just something that you think will be lucrative 

When you work on something that you genuinely believe in and find meaningful beyond its immediate financial value, it’s almost inevitable that you will be more earnest, more positive and engaged, and more enthusiastic about what you do on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs begin their businesses with great ambitions, and a sense of true enthusiasm for, and belief in, what they are doing – only to end up becoming jaded along the way, and to significantly pivot their businesses so as to focus on different directions and initiatives which may seem more financially lucrative.

There’s always a balance to be struck as an entrepreneur, between properly tailoring your service and product to market demand on the one hand, and maintaining a sense of your own creative vision and inspiration on the other hand.

Doing something that you genuinely believe in is one of the best ways of maximising and expressing your own potential, while also ensuring that you have the best chance of making a positive oral impact on others – and radiating a positive and enthusiastic aura in general.

At the outset of your entrepreneurial journey – or just right now, wherever you may be along that path – you should develop a clear sense of what it is you find most meaningful, and what you want your business to achieve, as well.

Look for ways to give back to society, the land, or your local community

Regularly looking for opportunities to “give back” is, by many accounts, one of the most fulfilling and uplifting things that any human being can do – and it is certainly one of the best ways for a business to have a positive impact on others, to motivate positive actions and initiatives in general, and to generate goodwill, too.

The phrase “give back” shouldn’t be seen to imply that you only look into contributing to meaningful initiatives when your business is wildly successful and wealthy.

Instead, looking for ways to contribute to society, the natural world, or your local community, is a great way of ensuring that your business has a positive impact, and that you are aligning your professional efforts – and your name and brand as well – with uplifting initiatives that are authentically meaningful to you.

When businesses help to support things like local infrastructure or charitable initiatives, this also has a range of indirectly positive effects for the business itself, by improving the local landscape in a number of different ways.

Ultimately, though, this kind of thing just goes a long way towards spreading some positivity.

Emphasize honesty and authenticity in your marketing and your services

Members of the general public today are, by and large, pretty jaded by advertising that seems overly manipulative, or insincere in one way or another.

Emphasising authenticity and honesty in your marketing – and in your services – can certainly help to make a good impact on people, and to develop a more positive name and reputation for your company, in and of itself.

In addition to this, though, placing a real emphasis on honesty and authenticity with regards to your business can also help to create a positive aura, and to have a broader positive impact, by working to foster a sense of substantial connection with your target audience, in addition to changing professional norms regarding things like communication.

No one likes to feel as though they are being manipulated, or as if they are being presented with an inaccurate and misleading outlook on things. On the other hand, many people like feeling that they are being spoken to directly and honestly, by someone with good intentions and an interesting product or service to offer.

Pay attention to customer feedback, and always be on the lookout for ways to improve

Paying good attention to customer feedback and remaining on the lookout for ways to consistently improve the quality of your service, in line with that feedback, is a very important thing for any entrepreneur to do if they want to be successful.

Being properly sensitive to customer feedback, and looking for ways to iteratively improve your business, though, is also a great way of spreading a sense of positivity, and having a more uplifting impact on your customer base as well.

Avoid leaning on fear-based marketing

A lot of marketing is more or less explicitly fear-based, and depends on trying to shock or frighten prospective customers into purchasing a product or service, in order to avoid some negative outcome, or as a means of escaping from some detrimental situation they might be in.

Fear-based marketing will tend to emphasise negative emotions and situations and the desire to escape them. Even if your business genuinely can help people to get away from a negative situation, however, emphasising negativity and striving to motivate fear through your marketing, is far from a “positive” course of action.

Focus instead on benefits and on positive motifs, and don’t lean on fear-based marketing.