How to Build Strength and Feel Serene and Relaxed with Yoga

Yoga has always been thought of as a form of meditation, because it truly is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline that teaches control of the mind and body. In modern health application, yoga can be a complete exercise program using different postures. It has become very popular in western countries for it is said to improve a person’s overall being. Yoga teaches the body muscles to work together, making it a good form of functional strength, while it also calms us down. There are numerous studies that have proven the health benefits of yoga, but here are ways on how you can use it to build strength and feeling relaxed.


There are so many yoga poses to choose from, and some styles are good for building strength. For instance, vinyasas and sun salutations are good for building strength on the upper body and legs, while they also work on our fitness.  The key is to do them repeatedly. When your body gets used to these poses you can make them more challenging by adding more core planks or using arm balances.

Holding Poses Longer

Also one of the keys to building strength in yoga is by holding poses longer than you can. Most poses ask you to hold for 5 to 6 breaths, but as you progress, you can double it, taking you about 2 minutes to hold a pose. However, the more important consideration is still the quality of alignment and not the duration of pose.

Improving Flexibility

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Yoga is considered a whole body workout. By practicing yoga, you can achieve flexibility, balance, power and resistance. If you do it for strength, every part of the body builds muscles. You can expect your arms, legs, shoulders and back to become strong and toned. You even get a bonus benefit, which is flexibility. You can improve flexibility by targeted stretches in yoga. Stretch deeper and you build more strength. You can also try power yoga as it is focused on fitness that develops a strong and flexible body.

Focusing on Strength-Building Poses

Focus on asanas or yoga poses that effectively build strength. You can do challenging inversion poses and arm balances that flex groups of muscles and not just muscles you work on during weight training. Holding poses such as triangle pose or warrior pose is excellent for strengthening muscles on the lower extremities. Include Tree Pose, a balance pose wherein one of the legs has to hold up the entire body. Therefore, you can increase your strength by placing your weight on such leg. When you perform yoga poses, you are moving your body in positions that you need to support with your muscles.

Combine Yoga with Strength Training


If you are doing strength training, you can integrate yoga to increase your strength. Studies have shown that variety in workout offers faster results. The good thing about yoga is that you need not be a very flexible person to start doing the bending postures for there are so many variations and beginner poses you can try. Practice yoga after your training so your body still has enough time to recover from it.

If you are not doing any strength training, yoga can be a good substitute to a workout. For example, Body Balance program by Les Mills offers a blend of Yoga with Tai Chi and Pilates. It teaches how to control your breathing and end up strengthening your whole body while feeling relaxed.

Yoga is for everyone. It is open to any generation and fitness level for you can choose yoga styles that suit you best. Beginners can focus on basic postures while advanced styles are for those who are ready for more challenging practice.

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