Category: Work

Why College Athletes Tend To Make Great Employees

If you are responsible for recruiting for your business, you may have a standard approach to filtering through applicant. Some recruiters use scoring systems amongst other methods, meaning prospective employees can get overlooked. This...

office christmas party


The following is a guest post by Sharon Schweitzer.  Her bio follows. Most people can recall basic table manners, but when it comes to office events, decorum is key. After-hours events are often a...

15 Companies Hiring Freelancers in 2017

The freelance economy continues to grow, and these companies have hired the most freelancers this year. Boulder, CO, April 3, 2017— According to a survey of over 3,000 professionals, 44 percent of workers expressed...


What’s in a LinkedIn photo?

Want that Interview? 5 Ways to Nail Your First Impression First impressions count! We all know it – yet nailing the best first impression can take some time, especially when you’re putting yourself out...

mentoring women in business

5 tips to finding a mentor

Ask any successful person the story of their career and it won’t take long before they mention an inspiring boss, mentor or teacher. The benefits of having support to help you navigate your career...