How Parents Can Create A Safer Home

As parents, we do our best to protect our kids from all kinds of dangers. From warning them about stranger danger to ensuring they are securely fastened into our cars, there is much we can do to keep them safe from harm. Our homes are supposed to be safe places but safety issues may exist that need to be addressed. In your efforts to create a safer home then, consider the following. 

Child-proof everything

Childproofing is essential when our kids are very young but even older children can get up to mischief and play with things they shouldn’t. 

As such, we should child-proof what we can to minimise dangers. So, we might:

  • lock cupboards that contain medicines and chemical cleaning products
  • put covers over plug sockets and all other electrical outlets
  • make sure curtain and blind cords are safely out of reach
  • put up safety gates to prevent access to stairs and other risky areas

Use alternative cleaning products

We know the importance of keeping a clean home as it’s one way of keeping our children safe from harm and potential illnesses. Clearing away clutter is a must and so is vacuuming up dust as we then create safer home environments. 

This will be of no surprise to you but consider the cleaning products you use. If they are full of toxic chemicals, they could be dangerous when inhaled or touched. They are especially problematic for family members with skin allergies and asthma. 

With this in mind, choose eco-friendly cleaning products when at your local store as these are safer for both your children and the environment. Or make your own cleaning products using natural ingredients if you have the time to do so.

Learn first aid

This is something every parent should do, even if they take every conceivable step to keep their children safe. Accidents can still happen, from slips on the patio to fingers trapped in doorways, so having knowledge of first aid (and having the right kit) is essential. 

As parents, we should know…

  • how to tape a jammed finger see here
  • how to save our children from choking
  • how to deal with head injuries
  • how to treat burns
  • how to stop bleeding

Check out these first-aid tips for some good advice and then book yourself onto a first-aid course if you haven’t been on one already. Even if you have been on a course, there is no harm in taking a refresher course as new advice may be available to you. 

Create a safer garden

Children love to play outside in our gardens or yards but how safe are our outdoor areas? 

As parents, we should:

  • place protective mats beneath any playing equipment
  • put a fence around hazardous areas, such as the pond or places where prickly (or poisonous plants) grow
  • remove poisonous plants
  • ensure gates and fences are secure, with no gaps for little ones to crawl through
  • keep garden tools in the garage or shed
  • use natural weed killers instead of the chemical alternatives


We haven’t covered everything here. There is much more we can do to create a safer home and chances are, you know a lot of the essentials already. 

But a few reminders are always helpful so we hope this article was useful. So, do what you can and have the peace of mind that your home is safe for the younger members of your family.

(Unsplash CC0)