Is an MBA a Good Choice to Propel a Woman’s Career?

It’s really irrelevant whether you’re a woman or a man when it comes to having a great career. Everyone should set career goals and work towards their attainment. And then reach ever higher after that.
It’s certainly the case that an MBA is an excellent addition to any resume. While it’s not always necessary to take a GMAT to qualify to study for a master’s in business administration, close to half of all students taking the GMAT are women. However, women currently do lag behind men when it comes to studying for the MBA – less than one-third get that far. With that said, many recruiters unhappy about this imbalance and are keen to bring more women onboard at colleges and university courses. Read on to find out more.
Advantages of an MBA for Women
The MBA is a broad high-level qualification. When it’s on your resume, it’s undeniable that you bring considerable value to the table. This is because this qualification has a worldwide reputation that’s the envy of many.
Also, the curriculum for most MBA courses follows a certain path, yet also has electives where students can pick extra subjects that are of interest to them, or that suit their chosen career. This gives both a predictable level of knowledge and understanding with many MBA candidates around the world, but also sees variances due to region and electives selected. Therefore, there’s some individuality involved too, which can come into play with subsequent careers.
Attending the MBA Tour
The MBA Tour is a global event which brings together vetted colleges and business schools that offer an MBA program. Each conference varies, as it depends on which city and country it’s being held in, and which respected educational establishments are represented there. The tour spans the globe in 2019 reaching the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, India, the Middle East, and Africa.
Many of the schools and colleges participating are household names in the US education system including Yale, Harvard, Columbia, UCLA Anderson, Northwestern Kellogg, and MIT. Admissions staff representing the various educational establishments can offer admissions and visa advice, and even critique a resume when asked to do so. All in the cause of helping women (and men) apply successfully for their MBA course.
Network with College Representatives
It is important to network with college representatives. This way, you can learn more about their program when attending an event like the MBA Tour or talking on the phone with college staff.
Many colleges see women attending master’s degrees in management or accounting, but fewer enrolments are happening with MBAs. College representatives are aware of this disparity and are keen to address it by providing more time for female candidates and offering useful tips on how to have a more successful application. What admissions staff are looking to see on a resume, such as additional work experience or other qualifications such as professional certifications, can provide guidance on how to better prepare ahead of a future application too.
Develop Yourself
You’ll be challenged as an MBA applicant, let alone as a student on the course. To withstand the scrutiny and not come up short, it’s necessary to develop the personal confidence and internal fortitude to handle stress and anxiety better.
The admissions staff want to see confident, business-savvy women who are going places in their business careers, and see an MBA as the next hurdle to leap over with drive and determination. Focusing on why you want to study for a broad business qualification can help to develop the right mindset to become what admissions staff are looking for.
Get Your Money Right
Business school is not inexpensive. The application process, including travel and accommodation expenses to visit events and go through the time-consuming learning process before applying, can cost several thousand dollars alone. When you include prep courses to test for the GMAT and then taking it, along with possible visits to campus for one or more colleges, it all adds up!
Also, bear in mind that a two-year on-campus college tuition at business school could reach into the high five-figures or low six-figures. There isn’t always financing available to cover this, so students need to be financially prudent by saving money from their existing salary to prepare for college expenses. The less organized, or those with pricey spending habits, will find it difficult to save enough to attend a business school which ultimately will hold back their career. Getting your money right opens doors that would otherwise be closed.
An MBA is certainly likely to be of huge benefit to a business-oriented career woman who is determined to succeed. If you feel that you’re this type of woman, then follow the suggestions in this article to get yourself into the right position.