What Does a Superhero Workforce Look Like?

We are all very familiar with the most famous of superheroes, new and old. However, have you ever considered how superheroes would deal with every day situations? What would happen if we put them in our job roles? Where would their talents lie? This infographic has been created by warehouse management system experts and approaches the idea of a superhero workforce. A workforce that will be as efficient as can be. Read on to discover what superhero would be the perfect fit for job roles associated within a warehouse environment.

Customer Service

The ideal candidate to be the friendly voice of your business would be Wolverine. He would politely deal with any customer queries in a professional and calm manner.

Operations Manager

The superhero that would be best suited as operations manager would be Iron Man. He isn’t afraid to spend money to get things done and his superior intellect will always help him to run the most efficient businesses.


When it comes to marketing, Professor X is your guy. Prof X gets your product into the minds of customers instantly. He would pride himself on low advertising costs and very high conversion rates.

General Manager

Being a general manager can be a stressful job role which holds a lot of responsibilities. Captain Americas ability to inspire his time and put himself before others would make him the perfect manager.

Quality Control

Who would be best for inspecting every little detail? Ant Man! His ability to shrink down so small means that he will be able to spot even the tiniest of mistakes. Attention to detail is extremely important in any work environment.

To learn more about superheroes and their various job roles, take a look at this infographic!

superhero workforce