Employee Friendly Features Of The Best Online Companies To Work For

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One if 5 American workers now work online from home, including both the self-employed and those employed by others. That’s over a 30 million online workforce, and that number should swell to over 45 million within the next 5 years.

Those are very impressive numbers, and if they are at all accurate (which they are), it is no surprise if people, including you perhaps, are scouring the Internet in hot pursuit of the best online job opportunities.

I could do what a hundred other articles posted online already do and list out 5 to 10 great companies to work for, but instead, it may be more helpful just now to list 5 key key features you should be looking for in any company that hires remote workers. That gives you a ruler to apply to each and every online opportunity you may come across.

1. Fair Levels of Compensation

If you are merely looking for a side job where you can make a little extra cash on weekends or during your off-time from your regular, brick-and-mortar based job, that’s one thing. But when launching out on an online career that will constitute your main or only source of income, you need a reasonable pay rate.

Don’t necessarily expect immediate access to high pay and unlimited work loads. You can improve your skills over time, build trust (a two-way street) with the company, and gradually improve your compensation. The important thing is that you aren’t closed in by a “low ceiling” from the get-go.

2. A Simple, Fast Reimbursement Process

Besides income, you also need to consider cash flow. Many online freelance jobs will pay per word (piece work), while remote call center workers will get an hourly wage. It’s fine either way, but make sure an efficient, accurate system like that of Clockspot, an online time clock and payroll system, is used.

You can often get paid via Paypal, which requires then waiting to transfer funds to your bank account. You can speed things up by requesting a PayPal debit card, which allows you to access your funds immediately in return for a small fee. Some companies offer direct deposit, but you may not want to not give out your bank account number.

having to wait for a paper check to come in the mail and then waiting for it to clear after physically going to deposit it  is the most time-consuming and least efficient pay method out there.

3. High Levels of Scheduling Flexibility

One of the key advantages of working from home, or from another location with Internet access, is the greater freedom and flexibility you have. Companies that demand their remote workers stick to a strict, invariable schedule aren’t the best option if you have other obligations  at home unless other factors outweigh this clear drawback.

There are always some limitations, such as a required number of work hours, needing to work weekends, or simply needing enough time to produce an adequate income; but online jobs should offer considerable scheduling flexibility.

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4. A Top-Notch Support Staff

During initial setup and later whenever some glitch arises, you need a responsive managerial staff that is readily available to answer your questions and solve technical problems. This is an often-overlooked factor but a very important one, nonetheless, when choosing an online company to work for.

5. A Heart for Charity and Community

Business involves relationships as surely as products, services, and dollars and cents. A business that builds a reputation for charitableness and community concern is more likely to become a rising star (even online).

One key tool that many online companies rely on for crowdfunding, community fundraising, and other giving projects is known at http://www.Plumfund.com/. By creating plum funds to show social and community awareness, an online business can rise from obscurity, lifting its employees along with it. The company may make donations to a good cause and then request others to  join in by offering to match their contributions.

A company that  shows concern for others in the community may be a good one to work for as an online employee.