3 Ways to Decide on a Career Change in 2022

Have you tried multiple industries and job titles but haven’t found anything that fulfills you? Are you currently working side gigs to meet ends meet but not sure what your true calling is? Then it might be time to make a significant career change this year.
Before you jump at the first job description you see, consider carefully where you want to go. The better you understand yourself, the more likely you’ll find something that truly suits you. Read on to learn how to ask yourself three essential questions before you make a career change in 2022.
What Do You Love Doing?
The saying goes that if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. If you can make money from your hobby, this is the perfect way to reclaim your free time while still paying the bills. Luckily, there are jobs available that speak to just about any hobby you could have.
For example, if you give massages to your friends in your spare time, why not learn how to become a sports massage therapist and earn some serious cash while helping people get back to what they love? Or, if you love talking to people and helping them work out their problems, you might consider becoming a life coach.
If you’re ready for a career change, don’t settle for just a paycheck. Find a job that speaks to your passions — you may not just enjoy it more but also find even greater success by playing to your strengths.
Does Money Matter?
If having a lot of money is important to you, consider a career change focused on increasing your salary.
An easy way to work out how important cash is to you is to work out your monthly expenditure to see the minimum amount you can live on. Then, you can think of added extras you might like or what might improve your life. For example, if you can’t live without your monthly manicure, this should be on your list.
It’s perfectly okay to say that money matters and is high up on your priority list. And according to 24% of Americans, a career change is the best way to do it. So leverage your experience, and aim for a higher-paying job this year.
How Can You Help Others?
For some, donating money or some time on the weekends is enough to make them feel fulfilled. But for some, they need to know that their work is doing good whether in their community or worldwide.
If you want a career that allows you to invest time into other people, then consider a job that lets you help other people at the same time as working your 9-5. There are plenty of high-impact jobs available in dozens of sectors, not just non-profit work. This is the perfect chance for you to make a positive change in other peoples’ lives.
It’s a myth that volunteering is the only way you make a difference. But with a bit of research, you can find a way to do good while getting paid for your efforts.
Choosing Your New Career
If you do not love what you do, it’s time to reassess and reevaluate what matters to you and what makes you happy. And with the current significant demand for workers, you may just find the perfect spot for you.
Before you start going in for interviews, think about what your top priorities are, in both your professional and personal life, whether it be playing to your strengths or making more money than ever. From here, you can decide what job suits you best. So get out, and find your calling in 2022.