A Guide To Working From Home With Pets

It’s fair to say these last few months have brought their own trials and tribulations. Days filled with anxiety and hope, love and compassion, unnecessary trips to the fridge – and of course lots of clapping and rainbows. It’s become the new norm for those of us are able to work from home, whilst juggling home-schooling and daily-exercise to find a routine. But working from home with pets and our new unexplained presence can be confusing for them.
If you’re one of the estimated 20 million that owns a pet in the UK, you’ll know that their mental health is just as important as ours in these uncertain times. So, with that in mind, here’s our guide to working from home with pets during lockdown.
Have a schedule
Sure, your daily commute is the distance from your bedroom to your desk but keeping the same routine as pre-lockdown is vital for helping keep your pet’s internal clock ticking. If your furry friend is used to breakfast or a walk at a certain time, keep as close to that as time as possible. This will help when we eventually transition back to working away from home again.
Stop obsessing over them
Yes, your cat does look cute curled up around your coffee cup and your dog looks adorable nestled between your legs under the desk – sure take a photo, but as instantprint suggests – you don’t need to take more – and bore your Instagram followers with needless pet pics (as instaworthy as they may be!). If you’ve taken a great photo of you and your pet, why not get it printed and send it to a loved one with a nice letter attached instead of posting it to your social platforms?
Take play breaks
At work, our usual break is to get up and make a coffee. Instead, why not use working from home to break the habit, and spend 10 minutes playing with your canine or feline friend? This can be a game of tug, chase, or if you’re lucky enough to have some outdoor space – fetch. Not only will the break be good for your mental health, but it’s a great way to bond with your pet.
Spend time stroking them
Work can be stressful at the best of times, but in these times of uncertainty, studies have shown that just stroking your pet for 10 minutes a day can reduce stress levels and release happy hormones. Give it a try the next time you have a Zoom call lined up and are feeling anxious or stressed. It’s also great for your pets too, you can even give them a mini-massage!
Take a break
Just as we can get frustrated about being around family members ALL the time, your pets too can get agitated by being around us all the time. It’s important that they’re left alone to allow them to catch up on sleep, play by themselves and just relax. Similarly, if you’re heading out on your daily exercise, leave dogs at home alone so they don’t get too anxious when you’re back at work and the kids are back at school.
And remember, this won’t last forever – treasure the time at home with loved ones and furry friends.