A Woman’s Guide to Growing a Business

Women have made a massive stride forward for themselves in the last decade or so. While equality in the workplace is still an issue in today’s world, the problems are being addressed and growing smaller over time. The littlest of progress is still progress in the right direction.

In other news, between the years 1997-2006, women owned businesses rose by 42%. That’s huge for women. That means that the opportunities for women to own businesses and excel in the workplace are bigger than they’ve ever been and it’s time to capitalize on it.

The more women that take the leap forward into growing a business, the faster equality in the workplace will grow. Here are some tips for growing a business.

Define Your Role

Number one in growing a business as a woman is to define your role. Are you going to merely be a woman who is in business or will you be a woman owned business? The two differ in the way that a woman in business may have men working for her somewhere along the line.

Also, the point of the business is not necessarily all about promoting the fact that you’re all about women empowerment . A woman owned business means everything you do in your business has the “woman power” agenda. Being a woman owned business will give you benefits, as well as hoops to jump through.

Have an Online Presence

Now that you’ve chosen what your role as a business is, the next step is to make sure you establish an online presence. Gone are the days where you can just open up a shop in town and call it good. Your success as a business all depends on your online marketing strategy.

If you want to grow as a business, your market is global. It’s social media, it’s building awareness, it’s about having a product and getting it out there. Without an online presence, you are not relevant and your business will more than likely fizzle out very fast.

Do Your Research

Those who work hard and educate themselves have a better chance at finding success. A business requires constant learning about the market in which you’re selling. If you don’t master the market, it will master you, so do yourself a favor and study up.

Get all the needed certifications as a woman owned business, know the requirements, hire advisors if you are lost. Work hard and never think you have arrived. Ultimately, the one who stays on top, is the one who is willing to jump from rooftop to rooftop.

It’s great that women have come so far, but just because women are making strides doesn’t mean the work is done. Keep pushing. Get educated. Find your success.

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Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.