Author: Ms. Career Girl

misleading job titles

The 17 Most Misleading Job Titles

Batman.  Digital Overlord. Scrum Master. No, they’re not Halloween costumes, they’re someone’s next job. With the right training, job seekers can be a Chick Sexer, a Comb Capper, or even a Batman (bat ears not...

female leader dress modestly

11 Quick Tips For Launching a New Business

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit; in fact, I’ve encouraged that go-for-it spirit into my kids- my tween daughter thought of, launched and is successfully running her own business. I love offering my two...


Insurance Costs Too High? Here’s How To Lower Them

The average homeowner purchasing the most common type of insurance spends around $1,132 on premiums each year. Insurance companies take many different factors into consideration before setting rates for their customers. But you can control your...