Author: Maria Bashi

strong female leads

Tips for Brewing Better-Tasting Coffee at Home

Millions of people are currently ordered to stay at home in an attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus. For those whose normal routine includes a daily stop through a cafe drive-thru, pandemic-induced...

bedroom essentials happier at work

5 Ways to Reduce Your Stress

Stress. Women in the workplace know all about this. They are constantly working twice as hard as their male counterparts to get promotions, bonuses, etc. That constant grind can make them feel frazzled. Everyone,...

job hunting during COVID-19

Tips for Spicing Up Your Resume

Developing an effective and eye-catching resume is one of the first steps to landing the job you want. Your resume and application are often the first things an employer sees during their job candidate...

reach your market pink pandemic

Ways You Can Reach Your Market in 2020

In a time where concerns about a global pandemic are shutting down schools, offices, stores, and restaurants, it can be tough for small businesses to keep themselves afloat amidst a myriad of concerns. We’ve...

first generation college students

Getting into the Ivy League: A long-term Game

Getting into the Ivy League is the dream of all bright and high-achieving students from all across the world. Insanely competitive, yet providing unmatched educational opportunities, Ivy League colleges have a rigorous selection process...