Author: Maria Bashi

Iceland getaways

Perfect Iceland Getaways

As most ambitious career women do, you probably have goals that extend out for a few years. You are not only driven but extremely determined to reach those goals and surpass them even. You...

small business

Managing The Finances In a Small Business

The aim of every business, big or small, is to make a profit. In those early days, when your small business is only just about breaking even, it might seem as though the day...

Nursing Career: What You Need To Know

Choosing a career path to pursue might seem tricky for some as it takes careful discernment to really have yourself convicted of what you think you are called to do for the rest of...


Top 6 Flight Tracking Apps in 2019

I know that traveling in a peak season can be stressful and generally not a relaxing experience. Fear not! There is always a way to handle the challenges in the best possible way.  Issues...

starting your own business

How to Successfully Build a Foundation Repair Company

Foundation repair is a complex trade, but it’s a rewarding career that supplies many crucial services to homeowners. From sagging floors to warped ceilings and cracked and crumbling foundations, foundation repair companies offer a...