Author: Maria Bashi

female architects

5 inspirational female architects

Being a woman in an industry as traditionally male-dominated as architecture can be tough. Very tough. In fact, in the 2016 Women in Architecture survey, 68% of women said that the construction industry has...

top talent career options

3 Career Options With Booming Futures

For young people who are just starting out or for long-time professionals looking for a career change, the American job market can be a promising, but intimidating place. There are millions of positions open...

restaurant business

Design Tips For Your Restaurant Business

Starting a restaurant is something that can be incredibly rewarding.  Wanting to create a space which is a welcoming and enjoyable environment for people to join together and enjoy a nice meal is something...

The rise of the working holiday

You might think you’re taking a holiday to get away from it all, but the truth is that connectivity while on the move is an increasingly important consideration for us all. We’ve all heard...