Category: News

negotiating  a flexible work schedule

Preparing for the Job Search Post Covid-19

While many companies have managed to shift to remote operations, the COVID-19 shutdowns have led to millions of Americans simply without work. Some have been furloughed while others have been laid off. Either way,...


A Woman’s Guide to Start Investing

If I were to mention the word “stock broker” – who would you envisage?  Perhaps an older, suited gentleman yelling about some ‘Dow Jones’ on the finance segment of the news?  This association is quite...

mentoring program

Five Roles A Great Mentor Masters

A Mentor Has Many Roles.  No other relationship is quite like having a mentor. Good mentoring relationships are incredibly powerful, at all career levels. They give the mentee a safe space to analyze successes and...


Five Ways to Be Heard at Work

According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, only 30% percent of employees strongly agree that their opinions count at work.  So, where does that leave the other 70%? In my work as...

online job sites

Making Your Company Permanently Remote-Friendly

The COVID-19 crisis has driven many companies into the remote work world. As the initial wave of the response to the virus shut down business operations across the globe, brick-and-mortar enterprises found themselves scrambling...