Category: Home and Garden

apartment pixy

How to Furnish Your First Apartment After College

Everyone hypes up the first milestone steps into the “real world” after college, but Zillennials are entering a world of out-of-reach price points. Realtor and TikToker Freddie Smith stirred discussion when he broke down how much today’s college graduates...

home renovation projects

Six Things to do Before Renovating a House

When you’ve just got the keys to a doer-upper, you might be keen to get cracking with renovations. Although this is understandable, there are a few things you should do before you start doing any work whatsoever. Taking the time to complete these...

career as a gardener Create the Perfect Garden

All the Benefits of Landscaping a Garden

As we get closer to summer, it’s likely that you’re looking forward to spending time in the garden again. Of course, it’s more enjoyable when your outdoor space is looking good. For many of us, that means there’s a bit...

live in California

5 Reason to Move to California

Are you itching for a change? Do you find yourself dreaming of sunny days, warm weather, and thriving metropolitan cities all in one place? If so, it might be time to pack your bags...