How to Deal with Your Hubby’s Hair Loss

Hubby's Hair Loss

Hair loss impacts men the most, but it also affects those around them. However, there are ways to slow down or stall hair loss, and there are options for coping with it as it happens. Here are a few tips on how to deal with your hubby’s hair loss with a minimum of strife and the greatest odds of success.

Give Him a Chance to Notice

Before you discuss the hair loss with your husband, give him time to notice it and mention it. There will be less resistance to suggestions that he take medication to stop the hair loss or seek interventions to reverse it if he already recognizes the problem.

If he is taking steps to hide the hair loss like suddenly wearing hats or dyeing his hair, mention the hair loss that he’s trying to hide. And don’t give hints – guys aren’t always the best at picking them up, much less having serious discussions because you’ve left a trail of breadcrumbs. Honestly but kindly say that he’s clearly noticed the hair loss since he’s trying to hide it, and you’ve noticed it, too. Avoid mocking or trying to start a discussion of your options just as he’s leaving for work.

Discuss Your Options

Just because his father went bald doesn’t mean he must go bald himself. Finding a hair loss treatment for men is easier than ever, and he shouldn’t accept it as inevitable when there are many more choices today than even a few years ago.

If he sees hair loss as a sign that he’s aging and deteriorating, discuss how he’s still in the prime of his life and allowed to slow it or seek to stop it. If he thinks that hair loss treatments are only going to make him look worse, educate him about his options today. Just waiting isn’t an option unless he wants to go bald. If he wants to deal with it, sooner is better than later because things can look pretty bad if you stop the hair loss when it is already partially receding.

Start Small

Admit it – hair loss is almost never literally overnight; if someone does suddenly lose all their hair, you need to see a doctor about the infection, biochemical imbalance or other root cause of the condition. For example, if he started losing a lot of hair after taking medicines for gout or heart problems or it is accompanied by radical weight changes, that needs to be discussed with the doctor as soon as possible.

We’re assuming in this case that you’re dealing with the normal, gradual hair loss many men experience. If he’s not willing to commit to hair loss treatments handled by a doctor, you can start with shampoos and conditioners that restore hair. Let him see how well they work (or don’t). If he sees that herbal remedies don’t work, now he’s more willing to consult with a doctor for something more drastic.

Be honest, kind and direct when discussing hair loss with your husband. Discuss your options and let him start small unless there are glaring warning signs that he needs to see a doctor immediately.