Ditch the gym this summer

Tired of being stuck in the gym on a hot, sunny day? Aren’t we all! Fortunately, there are other options that will keep your fitness levels up and help you make the most of the summer months. Read on to find out more…


Cycling is a great alternative to the gym, as it can easily be included in your daily routine. Simple changes such as ditching the bus or car for your bike will help you lose weight, reduce stress and improve your general wellbeing.

Of course, before you can get started, you’ll need to purchase the correct equipment. A bike may seem like a large investment to make, but you’ll reap the benefits once you start riding. To ensure your safety, you’ll need to purchase a helmet, while specialist cycling clothing will keep you cool and dry throughout your summer rides.

A great selection of cycling equipment, including quality Fox helmets, can be found at Leisure Lakes Bikes.


Ditch the treadmill and start running outdoors instead. A great way to get your heart pumping, choose a scenic route and explore the beauty of your local area.

If you live in a coastal area, you can make your run even tougher by running along the sand. The soft running surface makes you work harder to gain pace, providing a more intensive workout.


Yoga is a fantastic exercise for improving your flexibility, posture and overall core strength. Taking your workout outdoors will not only allow you to embrace the summer and enjoy fresh air, but it can make your yoga routine more difficult.

Challenge yourself by practicing on an uneven surface and develop your balance and core strength.


On particularly hot days, you may find running tough. A brisk walk is a great alternative and, like cycling, can easily be incorporated into your schedule.

Whether you’re taking the dog out or clearing your mind after work, walking will leave you feeling refreshed. To increase the difficulty level, you could try walking on hilly terrain. And once you’re tired of walking in your local area, you can try a National Trails route, which are set in some of the most beautiful locations in England and Wales.

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.