From Learning To Earning: Coping With The Transition From Student To Work

Graduating from college is one of the crowning achievements in life. But there are always concerns from making the transition into working life from educational life. There is always concern about debt and how it is going to be repaid. The change from being a student to being a “proper grown-up” with a job and responsibilities is a shock to the system. So here are a few pieces of advice to help you make the transition into the workaday world!
Moving Back Home Is Okay… In The Short-Term!
It may feel like a step back but moving back in with your parents after spending so many years away is a calculated financial investment. Even if you move back for just six months! Besides, they may be grateful to have you back after you’ve been away for so long. Use the period at home to earn as much money as you can before making the transition to renting a place. You can also use the time to reconnect with old friends, making it feel less like a kick in the teeth after flying the nest to improve your life. And yes you may feel that you don’t have much privacy, but remember it’s only a short period of time!
Manage Your Debt Properly!
You may have left university with a degree, but you may also have a mountain of debt to pay off! Now that credit card you had at the beginning doesn’t seem like a good idea! But not to worry, there are ways around this. Debt consolidation loans is an excellent way to put all of your individual debts into one manageable place. Chances are that you could have so many debts, that you have you might just forget about one. So keep the reminder letters at bay by doing this.
Ask For Advice
Whether it is careers advice, money advice, or just honest advice from friends or family, it will be a great way to keep your head with the pressures that you might feel now. Someone has been there before you! A lot of people may leave University with a degree but have no intention of using it anymore. If that is the case schedule an appointment with a careers advisor to see what they can do to help you utilize your degree in the right way, even if you have no intention of being a biomechanic! If you are looking for financial advice, you can look online at websites like The Fortunate Investor for some tips and hints.
Plan Ahead!
The best advice I can give is to make sure that you plan ahead. Planning for any unforeseen circumstances when it comes to money is a skill that you will need in the years to come. Budgeting and seeing where you are making frivolous purchases is the best place to start. Something as simple as where you are going to shop can have financial ramifications for the better down the line. After all, being a student, you didn’t have any money in the first place, so this should be a skill you will have!
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