Go It Alone: 7 Solo Travel Tips

Caught the travel bug or just need to get away? Perhaps you’re starting a career as a digital nomad? Not to worry – I’ve collected seven of the best solo travel tips that are sure to enrich your experience abroad. 

Anxiety is a common feeling when we step outside our comfort zones. After I booked my flight to the Caribbean through teletextholidays.co.uk, however, I was relaxing on a beach before I knew it. Here are some tried and true tips to make solo travel a breeze.

Take the path less travelled

If you’re on a budget, you may want to choose a destination that is not a tourist hotspot. Places that have experienced hurricanes in recent years, for example, welcome your currency and you’ll avoid the crowds in a place that might typically be overcrowded.

Travelling to smaller towns outside of big cities such as New York City or Paris can provide you with a charming experience at a lower cost. Tourists tend to drive prices up – the market takes advantage of such high demand. Quaint towns are designed to cater to local needs, so you won’t be paying such a high price for your next adult beverage.

Stay at community-oriented places

Accommodation such as hostels and B&Bs usually have common rooms where guests can mingle. Hang out in these spaces and strike up a conversation with your fellow travellers.

You may find that others staying in the same place are also travelling alone. You could meet a travel pal to go for lunch or exploring with.

Don’t forget to smile

I hate to tell anyone to smile. When travelling solo, however, smiling is a tool to let others know that you’re friendly and open for conversations.

Eat at the bar

Sitting at a table for two can isolate a solo traveler. Instead, perch yourself at the bar or a communal table where you can talk to the bartender or trade travel tips and stories with those around you.

Photograph your food

You’ll want to remember that marvelous meal you just had, especially if it’s something you’d like to try to make with friends and family when you return home. Plus, these pictures are great content for social media.

Go for a stroll

Whether you want to meet people on a walking tour or aspire to travel the world on foot, walking around your destination forces you to slow down. This way you can catch the nuances of a different society and serendipitously discover the hidden treasures of a town – like fantastic places to eat or secluded paths leading to the local beach.

Learn the local language

You typically don’t need to be fluent to be able to get around and enjoy your time spent in a foreign destination. Any effort that you make to speak in a local language is appreciated. It shows that you have respect for a society and their culture.

Sometimes even a few words or phrases are enough to get your point across, and it can be fun to try to incorporate a new language into your own.

With these seven travel tips in mind, your first solo trip is sure to be a success. Feel confident as you talk to people during your adventure. Ask them why they love to travel and exchange tips for solo expeditions.

Although it can be a bit scary to embark on your first trip alone, go ahead and take the leap. You are capable of more than you know. The discoveries you’ll make about yourself and the world around you are far more meaningful than the anxiety that’s holding you back.

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