Here are Some of the Top Signs that you Are In The Right Job

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There’s a huge misconception that you can’t enjoy working. This is not the case at all, in fact, it is more than possible for you to have the best time when you go to work if you are in the right job. If you want to find out more about that then simply take a look below.

You Find Whatever you Do, Rewarding

One of the main, tell-tale signs that you love what you do is you find the work intrinsically rewarding. In other words, money isn’t the only motivating factor that drives you. You will enjoy seeing results and you aren’t just sat waiting for your paycheque to arrive. If you don’t feel as though the job you are in right now is rewarding, then why not look into counselling degrees?

You Feel Motivated when you Wake Up

When your alarm goes off in the morning, do you actually feel motivated to get up and get the day started? If so then this would indicate that you are in the right job. If you dread the next day or if you feel as though you just can’t muster the energy to deal with what’s ahead, then this would indicate that you need to make a change as soon as you can.

You Don’t Dread Sundays

Everyone knows that the feeling of a Sunday is enough to make you think about work the next day. This is completely normal, but if you actively dread Sundays or if you just can’t bear the thought of going to work then this means that it is time to make a change. On the flip side, if you feel as though Fridays and Mondays give you the same feeling then this would indicate that you are in fact in the right job after all.

You Aren’t in Survival Mode

There are so many people out there who act like going to work is going into battle. They feel as though they are just trying to survive until the next day. One way you might feel as though you are in the right job is if you just don’t go into this kind of survival mode. Instead, you will be in attack mode. You will show up to work every single day and you will be ready to make things happen. This is a sign that you love what you do and that you are willing to take whatever comes your way.

You Can’t Stop Talking about your Job

Do you ever feel as though you are always telling your family, friends or even complete strangers about your job? Most of the time they might look as though they could care less, but if this describes you very accurately then you have made the right decision in going for the job you have now.

You Don’t Check the Clock

There really are two types of people in the workplace. There are those who are always checking the clock and there are those who just feel as though the time flies by. If you are the latter, then you will certainly be in the right job because time flies when you’re having fun.