How a CDN Works For Your Business

management technology.

The term “content delivery network” refers to a network technology created to expedite content downloads to users’ devices. The use of CDN enables you to speed up the loading of static information, enhance the SEO features of the site, and provide consumers with a comfortable experience. What is the operation of the CDN service, and why does it require CDN hosting at G-Core Labs?

Why there was a need for CDN

Consider that you have two websites on the same subject open at once. One loaded rapidly, while the other was still loading its pictures and other content. What website do you want to use? Probably the first. And the second one will discourage returning customers and lose a sizable portion of new visitors. This is so because, within 5 seconds, 75% of people determine whether or not to stay on a website. And these are the people who use a computer to view the website. Mobile consumers leave sluggish websites even more quickly.

Imagine that you have two open websites on the same topic. While the other was still loading its photos and other content, the first loaded quickly. Which website would you want to access? Very likely the first. The second, on the other hand, will drive away repeat clients and lose a large share of new ones. This is the case since 75% of users decide whether or not to stay on a website in only 5 seconds. And these are the ones who access the website on a computer. Customers using mobile devices abandon slow websites much faster.

Benefits of CDN

  • Accelerate downloads. The network route between the content source and the user is minimized by the content delivery network. This method makes it such that the origin server’s response time almost never exceeds 10 ms. Everywhere, content loads equally rapidly.
  • Lowering the source server’s load The user load is “smeared” over all servers in the network via the content delivery network. Only updated data and settings are sent to the network via the source. The cost of hosting will be inexpensive, and performance needs won’t be excessive if there is no dynamic content and few changes.
  • Increasing the site’s accessibility. Each other’s CDN servers are reserved. The traffic will pass via the others if one of them fails. Due to the significant cost of a DDoS attack on a running CDN-enabled application or website, fault tolerance is offered even during such attacks.

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