May Playlist: Just Before Summer Hits

It’s May! Yay! Who’s excited? This girl and just about everyone else in the Western Hemisphere. May is the month when we tired of any coldish weather; if you’re in school – the break is near, and we all look forward to bathing suits, patio parties, baseball, and actually wanting to stay outside for no good reason other than, “it’s nice out.”
But before we dive into all the summer activities, let’s make sure we’re wrapping up what is a busy time of year for everyone from finance to retail. So as we’re sliding into May, here’s a playlist for just before summer hits to motivate you to keep working hard while keeping in mind all the fun things that you have to work toward.
1. Emile Sandé – Heaven
Emile Sandé is the best thing to come out of the British music scene since Adele. Yep, she’s that good. Heaven is a sour tale in an upbeat song that still displays her vocals and will get you bobbing your head at any occasion. Jam out to it while getting ready for work or a night out, or as you rock out to all those mundane work tasks. Also, find her entire album on Spotify and fall in love with her music.
2. Drake – Started From The Bottom
No matter how much I insist that Drake is somewhat overrated, the man has got it. Started from the bottom should remind you how far you’ve come this year or maybe since last summer. Random: my all-time favorite rendition of these lyrics was when Waffle House tweeted, “Started with a waffle now we here.” Maybe you could come up with your own rendition?
3. Jeremy Jordan/Smash Cast – I Heard Your Voice In A Dream
Do you watch Smash? Then you would have heard this amazing song. I try to follow the show but every couple of weeks I just end up powering through four episodes when I get a free afternoon or something. Anyway, just before summer hits, if you know you’re going to come across a long lost love, well, revel in this song.
4. One Republic – Good Life
Whatever your plans are this month and in between all the many things you might have to cross off your list, moments of gratitude should also be enjoyed. I love this song for just before summer hits because it tells you that you’re probably doing a lot better than you think and that the life you have right now might not be where you want to be but that doesn’t mean it’s not the good life. Sing it with me, “This has gotta be the good life….”
Happy May everyone and you can find the entire May Playlist: Just Before Summer Hits here.